Chapter 35

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She still had her job. After the whole debacle with her avoiding her boss to fight the Messiah, she was lucky. He hated her and she knew it, but at least he kept her on. She was useful, after all. Just . . . not useful on parking duty. She'd been demoted to a meter maid. A meter maid. Undyne snarled at the very thought as she slid a ticket under the windshield wiper of a car. The man approaching the car looked about to yell at her because he was only about 30 seconds late, but stopped when he saw her blue scales, excessive height, and yellow fangs, so took his ticket with grace.

Turning to head back to her vehicle, Undyne had to force herself to unclench her fists and jaw. She didn't know how much longer she could keep doing this. Being a police officer was literally the best possible job for her, but being a meter maid felt like an insult and with her boss, she knew damn well it would be a while before he let her get back to doing any actual work if ever.

Cursing under her breath as she got into the driver's seat, she noticed that her cell phone had a few new notifications—all text messages from Frisk.

Admittedly, she hoped it had something to do with the Messiah. As much as she told Frisk to stay out of it, she was surprised the girl had lasted this long doing just that. They were a lot alike in that regard. Evil was lurking about and they couldn't just sit about doing nothing. Yet, for three days, that's all either of them did. Alphys wouldn't let her interrogate Raptor yet, who was apparently still recovering, and sharing a cell with the one Sans had caught. How Sans had managed to pull that off was beyond the officer, so she figured he'd just smooth talked the Magnum girl into getting tied up. It was the only logical explanation.

She opened her phone and read the messages, each of which was just 'Undyne'. She couldn't exactly text and drive, so she called the teen instead as she started up her car, pulling away from the curb. Putting the phone up to her ear, Undyne was quickly greeted with Frisk's voice.


"What's up?" Undyne asked, eager to get straight to the point. Talking on the phone and driving wasn't a lot better than texting and driving, so she wanted to wrap it up quickly.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favor- when you aren't busy," Frisk replied. "See, since I'm sixteen now, I really should be driving soon."


"Do you think you could give me driving lessons?"

Undyne raised an eyebrow. She hadn't been expecting that, but hell, there wasn't really any reason not to help the kid out. Driving would be good for her.

"Hell yeah!" Undyne replied. "You made the right call, coming to me. I'll teach you how to really beat the road into submission!"

"No car-fires, though. I had to promise that."

"I guess," That was disappointing. Undyne was already coming up with more and more insane ways to challenge Frisk, one of which was setting the car on fire.

"Just one more question," Frisk added. "What car should I be, you know, learning to drive?"

"Well, I can't let you drive my cruiser. I'm already on thin ice with my boss," Undyne replied with an eye roll, despite knowing Frisk couldn't see her. "I guess we'll just have to get you started with whatever's available. Think Asgore would let you drive his truck?"

"He wouldn't mind if it wasn't still totalled," Frisk replied.

Oh, that was right. She'd completely forgotten about that first attack on Asgore. Things had really escalated since then, but now was just calm. "Right, uh . . . oh! Papyrus has a bunch of his old cars that he lends to Sans sometimes." It didn't feel right, suggesting Papyrus' stuff while he was still sitting behind a cell and Undyne could do nothing about it, but she knew Papyrus would be fully supportive of lending a vehicle of his to help teach Frisk to drive. Come to think of it, Papyrus didn't even have a license . . .

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