Chapter 127

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The door closed behind them, and Rian could feel his mouth go dry. He glanced toward Alphys, who was tapping at her thigh anxiously, clearly biting her lips nervously. He felt equally as anxious, even if he wasn't outwardly showing it. Having grown up as a "dude bro", he'd grown used to concealing things like that. Staying strong in the face of danger. Stowing his fears until the game was over.

If it weren't for the fact that the situation had already reached maximum discomfort, Rian might have felt a little strange being surrounded by people he didn't know. He didn't mind being around these guys of course, it just felt a little strange knowing that he could end up being the difference between whether or not they survived. Okay, maybe that was putting a little too much pressure on himself. But it was entirely possible, if this girl was as dangerous as he feared . . . he didn't know much about the Messiah lieutenants, but he knew they were powerful. Someone making it to that status without magic had to know a thing or two about a thing or two.

"Any reading on the other SOUL?" he asked Alphys.

"Still . . . nothing. I don't think this Danica person's here," Alphys replied, glancing at her device, before her surroundings. Rian could feel cold sweat upon his brow, which was creasing. "Mosu seems to think so. He might be ex-Messiah but I think he's pretty trustworthy. He's like a cool sensei guy."

"Oooh, like Jiraiya!" Alphys beamed. "From Naruto!"

"I haven't seen that, but I was thinking more like Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid," Rian replied, nodding his head as though this were an absolute fact.

Alphys' face soured a little. "You should watch Naruto."

"I'm not really into anime," the boy replied.

"Watch Crossfit!" Aaron added, flexing his way into the conversation.

"Marley and Me!" Dogaressa pitched in.

"Why not Saving Private Ryan?"

The voice emerged from behind them, back toward the lounge area. Rian shot his head in that direction a little too quickly, cricking his neck. Rubbing it uncomfortably, he watched as a dark-skinned woman with curly dreadlocks stepped toward them, a red leather jacket splayed open, revealing a black tank top. Her jeans were torn, and she was wearing combat boots. Pouches were slung around her, and a knife handle was sticking out of her left boot, two pistols in either of her hands.

"You. You're Ryan, right?" Danica asked, pointing her left weapon casually at Rian. "Sucks there ain't a bitch here to save you."

Rian could tell from within a second of looking at her that this could mean trouble. Magic or no magic, guns were dangerous, and Rian didn't know how to properly manifest a shield, nor did he have the speed to dodge a bullet. The dogs would probably be fine with their armor, and . . . Rian didn't feel too comfortable admitting it, but a bullet would probably fly right off Aaron's abs of steel.

That left Alphys. It was no secret that she wasn't the toughest of monsters, but she was extremely helpful in her own regard. Whether or not she could hold her own in a situation like this . . . well, that remained to be seen.

"There's six of us and one of you," Rian stated, hoping he could convince her to back off.

"Might be a fair fight then. Was hoping the traitor would stay back," Danica replied, two clicks resounding through the air as she turned off the safety's of her weapons.

"The SOUL-Finder still isn't picking her up," Alphys muttered to Rian. "She's not exerting any magic, which means my prototype won't be able to do anything to her."

Rian grimaced, trying to think of a way to handle this as quickly as possible without anyone dying, but that was pretty tough. This wasn't a football game with positions, this was a singular opponent he knew nothing about. At least in football he could observe and determine what play his opponents were using.

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