Chapter 33

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Undyne's eye shot open—how long had she been out? A few seconds? The dust around her was still settling, so it couldn't have been long. She sat up, looking around at the numerous ruined brick walls, the crushed concrete below, the torn apart jail cell . . .

And her. She was wounded badly, the adrenaline wearing off when she realized the enemy was gone, as he failed to reappear to finish the job.

"Aurgh . . ." the monster groaned, slowly pushing herself up. She ached all over, could feel bruises, broken bones, and the like, but that didn't stop her. It took some time, but she was soon back on her feet, wobbling slightly.

Shaking her head to clear the ringing sound in her head, she willed herself to focus, her gaze falling upon the jagged piece of a bone lying nearby. Undyne stared at it in disgust before limping toward the pile of rubble nearby, and began to weakly throw off the rocks, using every ounce of strength she retained, before she eventually uncovered an arm after several minutes of labor. Immediately, she checked Raptor's wrist for a pulse, and to her surprise, she got one.

"Are you awake?" Undyne asked the buried man, and to her surprise, his hand slowly moved into a thumbs-up position. She wasn't aware that humans could be so . . . durable. It was obvious that the man wasn't unscathed, however, as his pulse was somewhat weak and his blood was all over the rubble pile.

Undyne wasn't really sure if she wanted to help him out or not. Her better judgment said no, especially because she was working as a vigilante now and not a police officer. Undyne's surprise only grew when the rubble pile began to move, obviously from Raptor trying to emerge, pieces of brick and concrete slipping and falling off, though only barely.

Despite the idea of killing him seeming appealing, she decided against it. This guy was her prisoner now. Her goal had still been accomplished, even with the ludicrous obstacles in her way. She shoved off more rubble, uncovering the man, whose eyes were closed, his body covered in his blood, and dust from the rubble.

Undyne proceeded to pull him out, and he came out with no fuss, too weak to do much at this point. The chocolate bar had managed to save his life, monster food opposed to human, but he wouldn't be coming out without scars.

At that moment, Undyne noticed a car pulling into the driveway of the jailhouse, parking next to her police cruiser. "One of yours?" Undyne asked Raptor darkly. He made no response as he tried to stand limply beside her, most of his weight falling on her shoulder. Her answer was given when a familiar face exited the vehicle. "By Orion . . ." Undyne muttered.

It was none other than Frisk, who was currently the only one who'd stepped out of the vehicle, though Undyne could tell there were more people inside. Frisk wore a confused expression, and slowly began to walk toward Undyne.

"Undyne, is that . . ."

"He's with the Messiah, yeah," Undyne grinned. "He talked a big game, but he's a big wimp." A faint 'no u' escaped Raptor's lips, so his vocal chords probably weren't crushed. Her grin faded, "Frisk, why are you here?"

"Because I was worried about-"

"How did you even know I'd be here?" she questioned.

"Asgore told me."

Undyne sighed, her adrenaline continuing to further wear off, making her feel her pain with more clarity, adding to her agitation. "Frisk, you seriously don't need to be getting involved in this crap. A guy like this may not be able to kill me, but you'd be in a lot more danger."

"I'm just tired of being left out of things," Frisk said, shaking her head. "This is as much my problem as anyone else's." Undyne said nothing to that as Frisk looked around the decimated jailhouse. "Aren't you gonna get in trouble?" Frisk asked the fish monster. "For . . . all this damage?"

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