Chapter 32

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Undyne found herself on the verge of dozing off as she sat on the cold, uncomfortable concrete floor of the jailhouse, leaned against the brick wall, which was equally uncomfortable. She was practically begging for a backache, but didn't care at this point. All day, she had been forced to reflect on her decision to hang up that stupid phone call. Undyne's career had plateaued, and was now likely over. All for the sake of some asshole she wanted to arrest- who didn't even show up to his own beatdown!

Falling asleep would be a bad idea now. She just wanted to go home and give up- something extremely rare for the monster. With a heavy groan, she stood up, and began to approach the exit.

—Then heard the sound of the jailhouse's doors slowly creaking open around the corner.

She didn't believe it. Actually, she couldn't believe it.

She knew it could only be one person: this ass who'd kept her waiting all day! Now he decided to show up!? Oh, this guy was in for the beatdown of his life.

Immediately, Undyne flattened herself against the wall, ready to materialize her spear at any given moment, eye seeing clearly through the dark.

"Hold it," a voice called from around the corner, and the sound of footsteps ceased. At first, she thought they were talking to her, but when she glanced at the shadows coming from down the hallway, there were two.

Two people, and there was supposed to only be one.

"I feel a presence," the voice continued, masculine and quite stern. Like he'd been giving orders his entire life.

"So what? Isn't that why we're here?" a more irritated voice followed. Undyne narrowed her eyes.

"They're just around the corner. Proceed with caution."

She grit her fangs—hard. Perhaps the Messiah viewed her as enough of a threat to send two of their assassins instead of one. Especially after having failed to kill Asgore, Mettaton, and Papyrus. They'd fail again here. Even if they sent every person at their disposal they had.

She would not fall.

As the footsteps, quieter and slower now, neared, she closed her fist, and several glowing blue circles appeared on the ground, extending down around the corner for several feet, undoubtedly appearing beneath the men as well. "The article didn't lie," a voice commented as the spears shot up out of the ground. Undyne was confident she'd hit her target, but when she peered around the corner, she saw two figures standing just in front of the spears, unharmed.

One was slightly taller than the other, with an eyepatch strapped tightly over one of his sockets. He had his arms folded over his chest, and his singular eye held a piercing gaze, his shining blonde hair overgrown, but well kept. The man looked cold and calculating, analyzing the spears, and he was totally copying her look. "Raptor, you know what to do," he told the other one, who just sighed. When Undyne looked at the second man . . .

She saw the person who'd attacked Papyrus, no doubt about it. The same brown hair, green eyes, and claws on his hands, claws that reminded her of that night at Toriel's house, when she and Asgore had been attacked. He looked tired, and annoyed—Undyne could relate.

"So I have to do all the work?" Raptor asked, sounding accusatory.

"I don't care what you do or don't do," the other man replied. "But you're to follow my instructions. Don't get killed, and keep her busy. Although . . . if you were to kill her, I wouldn't mind a bit."

Undyne was having enough listening to these two, "You're gonna have to bring a LOT more backup to kill ME!" she yelled, a spear appearing in her hand, illuminating the dark hallway in a cyan light as she stepped from cover.

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