A Message

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All you needed was a second. You wanted to know him better. You wanted to know about the pain he hid away.

You closed your eyes and began to meditate. Your hand paused in the air as you reached out to touch Kakashi's hand once more. In that moment, you heard something approaching the tent. Kakashi must have heard it too. When you looked back over to him, his eyes were open and he was looking back at you. Quickly you put your hand down and grabbed a kunai before listening for more noise in the forest.

The sounds were footsteps. Something small was approaching very quickly. Just before you could get too nervous about it, Kakashi recognized the sound.

"That's Pakkun. He must be returning with a message from Sarutobi Sensei." His voice was calm but his eyes were surprised. He stepped out of the tent immediately and you followed his lead. The small Pug approached, clearly in a hurry to reach you both.

"Kakashi, a message from the Hoakage." The ninja dog announced in a pant. "He thanks you for notifying him of the attack. The scouts also sent a message to him reporting sightings of a small team of unknown shinobi in the area. The guy you fought wasn't alone!"

The three of you looked at each other for a moment before you spoke.

"So there IS someone else out here." You started explaining to the pug some.

"After you left, we saw flowers from the Land of Ash that spit kunai and stars at us before disappearing. Someone's laying traps in the forest. I wonder where in the forest they're at now." You explained the situation further before looking to Kakashi for input. You were startled to see his Sharingan activated. The hair on your neck stood and in a flash Kakashi had you and Pakkun in the air, landing in the trees.

"They're here now." Kakashi whispered.

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