The Howl (Night 1 pt. 2)

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You awoke to the crackling of leaves to your far left. It was still night, and the moon was still full. Kakashi was on his feet, hovering close to you with a kunai in hand.

"Kakas.." Before you could finish his hand signaled you to stay quiet.

The moon cast it's silver light on the quiet forest. Visibility was decent considering the time of night. You joined Kakashi on your feet and readied yourself next to him.

He pointed towards a bush. The foliage was quaking quietly as the two of you held your breath. For a moment it stopped and the entire forest was still. The stillness lasted only a moment. Just as you let out a breath, a small dark shadow bursted out of the bush.

Kakashi had one arm in front of you keeping you from engaging, but his kunai was readied. The shadow came closer and closer, but as it crossed over the silver lighting, the two of you relaxed.

It was just a little, white bunny. It practically leaped into Kakashi's arms, and he turned to share the little critter with you. Just as you were stroking it's soft fur, you looked up into Kakashi's eyes. He was smiling at the bunny, he looked happy.

But the moment was short lived. As if it were happening in slow motion, you saw it. A huge, savage looking wolf was tearing through the air. Claws directed towards Kakashi's back. Without thinking, you shoved him and the white rodent out of harms way.

Pain shot through your body. You opened your eyes to realize you were on the ground. The wolf towered over you snarling. His mouth dripping with blood lust. Your strength flowed out of your body in trickles of blood. Your eyes shut again at the wincing pain in your chest, and you opened them again when you felt the weight of the wolf get thrown off of you.

You looked to the wolf, who was pinned onto the ground with Kakashi over him. Both of their eyes were filled with rage. The wolf snapped its jaws at the air, barely missing Kakashi's face. One of its claws scraped into his flesh, loosening his grip and setting the monster free. The sight of it and the pain in your chest was too much.

You heard Kakashi and the wolf wrestling in the dirt, their fight getting farther and further from you. You were fighting to stay conscious, but you managed to look to the sky. The moon was gazing down on you and the rest of the forest. It lit up your eyes, and with the last strength you could muster you yelled to him.

"Kakashi! Kakas.." your eyes shut, and as you breathed out once more, you blacked out.

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