Rules and Regulations

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The next 72 hours was spent honing in on your skill set and gaining confidence in using your new Jutsu. You learned the details of how to use it and the things you couldn't do with it. You made a list of these things and it reads as follows:

1. This Jutsu is only to be used to prevent/stop casualties from occurring during battle. It is not to be used on any person in non combat situations.
2. This Jutsu does not work on shadow clones, double images, or other creations. It does work on natural humans and animals.
3. In order to activate the Jutsu, you must be touching at least one the other persons chakra points. Contact needs to happen for at least a full second to get a minutes worth of their thoughts read. Any less and it fails. If you want to read their thoughts for 5 minutes, you have to touch them for 5 seconds. For 6 minutes - six seconds and so on.
4. If you are condemned by the Current Hokage for abusing this Jutsu, disciplinary action will be taken. If you are condemned for using it to harm the village hidden in the leaf or its civilians in any way, the user will either be outcasted or terminated.

You memorized this short list to ensure you didn't cause any problems later. There was no way you'd abuse the gift your leader had bestowed upon you.

"Alright dear." Sarutobi signaled me to stop my training. " I know you're tired, but before I let you leave I would like to give you your duties for tomorrow." His voice was flat but his eyes looked eager to tell. "You are ready to partner up with Kakashi. I have let him know that he is to meet you here tomorrow morning at sunrise for your next mission together."

You were so excited. You couldn't wait to show off how much you'd grown in the last week to Kakashi. You knew he'd be proud of you for recovering and becoming stronger in such short time.

"Dear, do not forget that he isn't to know about this new Jutsu of yours. No one is to know." His eyes showed how clearly serious he was being. It shot a hint of fear through your body. You knew you had to respect his wishes.

"Yes sir." You bowed to him.

"Off you go then. Get some rest." He patted your head as you walked out the door. The entire way home you hoped for a glimpse of Kakashi sitting atop a building, or for him to be at your place waiting for you. However you made it home without either. You did a little pout and threw yourself on the bed.

"Tomorrow then." You thought to yourself.

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