Terregenesis Pt.4

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Warnings: Swearing

You sat next to Skye, beer in hand as you sat with the team. You had both sorted yourself out, had showers and got into normal clothes after the incident with Fitz who agreed to not say anything just yet. You both took your mind off things with some lighthearted reminiscing about Tripp.

"Or that time when Trip tossed me the mag on the burnside raid and it fell down the sewer grate." Hunter remembered with a smile, causing everyone to laugh.

"Yeah what did he say again?" May sat down on the seat opposite the couch you, daisy and Fitzsimmons were sat in.

"Good catch, soccer hands." Hunter did his best possible impression of Trip, earning some more laughs.

"Did he ever tell you about the time his grandpa took him to Grandfather Mountain when he was a child in north carolina?" Jemma asked everyone, though you began to zone out, catching eye contact with Skye and Fitz. The three of you silently communicating, supporting each other in a way.

"And he says 'i'm sorry grandpa, i though you owned the whole mountain." The end of Jemma's story brought the three of you out your small bubble.

"He'd be mad if i told you that story." Jemma admitted.

"No he'd say... actually Skye you do it better." You nudged your girlfriend who sat forward, manspreading as she held her beer bottle. I sight you loved to look at.

"Come on girl" Skye did her impression of Trip, everyone whispering the words with her.

A silence fell between the group, everyone's face falling as they dwelled on the fact that Trip was actually gone. You stared at your beer bottle and Skye placed a hand on your thigh.

"We're gonna laugh a lot less. That's for sure." Skye broke the silence. Everyone silently agreeing as the silence continued.

May he rest in peace.


You and Skye sparred against each other under May's demand. She was using you to help train skye, saying it would be better to fight against a slightly different skill set, though both of you were becoming tired. You were able to hide it more than Skye, however. But she caught you off guard when she managed to pin you down.

"Not bad." May joined you both on the mat, giving you a hand to get up.

"But when she's pinned, you should try for a finishing blow. Doesn't matter that she's your girlfriend, you both promised that wouldn't get in the way of work." May continued, standing in front of you both.

"You want full Mortal Kombat?" Skye referenced the video game she had been playing with the boys recently, you only understood as she inisists on telling you about it.

"I want you to stop holding back, Skye." May deadpanned, taking a few steps forward.

"I just didn't want to hurt her. Well, try to hurt her. I feel like i'm constantly on the verge of..." Skye begun but you nudged her discreetly, hoping she wouldn't spill.

"I don't know." She backtracked, looking back at May.

"Look, we lost Trip and it hurts like hell. But you can't shut those feelings out. Can't sustain that." May explained calmly, letting both you and Skye catch your breath.

"We'll, what's my option? I just loose it right here?" Skye half snaps, already finding it hard under pressure.

"We've talked about this. Control. Embrace your emotions, your nerves. Use them. On your terms." May tried getting through to Skye but she seemed a little tired and dazed out, as were you.

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