Ghost Pt.2

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Warnings: Swearing

(Okay so this is based on 'Too Well' by Reneé Rapp. I'm baso depressed because i couldn't get tickets to see her but enjoy)

It had been a while since you and Daisy had seen each other. You found it so incredibly hard dealing with the break up so took some time off and stayed with the avengers to try and distract yourself, though it didn't entirely work.

Now though, you were back at the base greeting those you hadn't seen since you left. Jemma and Fitz you would meet up or call often, as well as Coulson and surprisingly May sometimes. But the others like Mack and YoYo, you had only spoken through passed on messages.

You had said hello to everyone, taking the longest time you could to try delay the inevitable. Talking to Daisy. You hadn't entirely forgotten nor got over the whole situation but you knew you couldn't ignore her forever.

So when Jemma had left you in the lab, Daisy walked in, not initially knowing you were there alone.

"Oh hey." Daisy half smiled when she saw you, she was wary of how you were going to be so wanted to tread carefully.

"Uh hi." You smiled back, putting down the tablet you were looking at so you could face her.

"It's been a while. It's good to see you." She made her way opposite you, leaning against a desk, dumping the paperwork she had beside her.

"Yeah, i would, uh, say the same but i'm not too sure how i feel about this yet." You pointed between the two of you, it was slightly awkward but you both had always found it easy to talk to each other and you hated that you were instantly falling into old ways.

"Oh, yeah I understand. I can leave you alone if that's what you want." Daisy stood up straight, ready to leave the room if that's what you needed.

"No it's fine. I can't ignore you forever." You half joked, causing a smile on Daisy's face. She hated what she had done the minute she did it, so was happy you seemed alright as the only thing Jemma had told her was that you were struggling.

"So... how have you been?" Daisy knew it was a stupid question the minute it left her mouth.

"Well, today I woke up in a good mood for once, the first time in six months, i don't hate you as much." You told her honestly with a shrug. You weren't one to lie and say what everyone wanted to hear, you always said the truth.

"I'm glad. I should never have hurt you the way i did. You sure you're doing good? i'm always here." Daisy sighed, she knew that nothing she said would change the pass.

"You weren't there in my dreams, I could finally sleep. I feel good, but it sucks, i don't hate you as much." You half joked, giving Daisy the brutal truth.

"Kinda sounds like you want to hate me." Daisy stated and you nodded.

"It's easier holding a grudge. I'd rather be angry than crushed, i'm doing too much. I'm back where i started again, crying and calling my friends. This shit never ends. So hating you would give me an excuse." You admit and she sighs, not because she doesn't like what you're saying, but because she knows you're right.

"I get so sick of myself, can't stop overthinking. I know you're happy somewhere else, but i don't forget too well." You added, but Daisy shook her head.

"I ended things with Lincoln immediately after we had... you know. I couldn't do it. I still want you, even though i know you need to move on." Daisy admits, staring at the floor. She was happy you were talking to her but the conversation wasn't what she wanted, although it was inevitable.

"It's hard to move on. I still see your face, i hate hearing your name. I'm a wreck, it's a shame, i keep replaying that day." Daisy looks up at you, tears in your eyes for a split second before you shake your head to get rid of them. You refused to cry about her again, especially in front of her.

"You're my biggest mistake." You muttered, it hurt you to say but it was true. It hurt Daisy also, but she knew you weren't wrong. She had treat you like shit.

"Be angry at me all you want, i deserve it. Shout at me, hit me, do whatever i'll take it. I just want you happy." Daisy knew what she said completely contradicted her previous actions.

"Like I said, it's easier holding a grudge, i'd rather be angry than crushed. I won't shout, i can't. Not anymore." You told her and she nodded her head in understanding.

"I'll do whatever it takes to get your trust back. I can't not have any relationship with you, whether it's just friends or more again. I'll keep trying, i won't stop unless you truly want me gone." Daisy explained, standing up straight as she spoke to show how serious she was being.

"That's the thing. I really don't want you to go. To leave me. And that's what's killing me."

(A/N) Errrrr, this one isn't the greatest also. I feel like my chapters have been flopping recently because i haven't really got time to write any especially with my new book but i'll try! I think i'm gonna do more of the Terregenesis mini series, if you guys are interested?

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