The Diversion

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                           You ever get that feeling of awareness? The sensation of knowledge running through you're butt? Okay, for some people, its head to toes, but for me? Its my butt, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, at this moment, I might just have it another way. I was aware that my diversion plan was very idiotic, but Atticus is my homie, he's got my back. I think.
                               Yeah, no, I probably shouldn't have done that. Well, I guess I wanted to be brave like those main characters from the stories. There's a very thin line that separates braveness from stupidity. I could not tell the difference. I was currently yelling 'Diversion' repeatedly on a loop as I clung onto the trolls hairy leg. It didn't even feel like hairs, more like little needles sticking out of a huge green tree trunk. What in the world was I doing? Creating a 'bomb ass' diversion, that's what.

                                 His leg started to lift from the ground, off of the bones, and into the air. Speaking of those bones, why were they there? Why did I never question those human skeleton bones? They were scattered everywhere, with objects too. Like planes and boats and whatnot. Kinda like the Bermuda triangle. It was strange. (A/N- Some of you guys peeped that a few chapters back, I applaud you for noticing it. )
                                 I got snapped out of my thinking bubble when I noticed that I was staring straight into the trolls yellow eyes. Talk about cool contacts. How did he even lift his leg up this high? I cleared my throat as I stopped yelling diversion.

                                "You would be very good at ballet, you ever heard of it? Yeah, you're flexability would come in handy. My mother made me take ballet classes for four years straight when I was a toddler, that's why I know how to touch my head with my toes. And I took gymnastics for three years. Yeah, it was kinda fun-" I got cut off of my word vomit when the trolls eyes squinted at me.

                                   "Ball-aye." He stated, testing the word out. I shook my head, my knotted ratty hair moving at its sides.

                                   "Ballet." I corrected, still clinging onto the trolls hairy leg. He seemed to be confused by my words, and I took pride in this. From the corner of my eye, I could see Atticus making his way towards the troll. My diversion was working. I continued to tease the troll with my knowledge. He didn't have any eyebrows, but I could still see the furrow on his forehead. I smiled politely.

                                          "Yup, but if you took ballet, you would have to shave you're legs. They're much too hairy, and the hair would go through the tights. The girls would tease you, you would be even more of an outcast than you already are. I mean, you could just shave you're legs, with a chainsaw of course, and tape those hairs onto you're forehead. You need some eyebrows to show some emotion on you're face when your dancing." I ranted on as the troll probably didn't understand a word that I was saying. I could hear Valdus trying to stifle a laugh, but failing miserably. The trolls eyes flickered towards Valdus, but Atticus was nowhere to be seen. He must have already been behind the troll or behind a tree or something. I needed to distract it some more.
                              "So, whats you're name?" I asked, looking straight that the trolls face. His eyes were now back on me. He seemed very baffled.

                            "Name?" He asked in his thick rough voice. I cringed.

                        "What are you called by?" I clarified. He was very ignorant indeed, but what would you expect from a troll? A lightbulb must've gone off in his head, because it was smiling like a creep now.

                             "Maria." Its breath fanned my face and I was forced to put my breathing to a halt.

                             Wait, it was a girl. A girl? This disgusting creature is a girl? What in the rusty heavens is our dear lord doing to the trolls in this universe? Why are they so hideous and ugly? Okay, I needed to stop being rude. I unrinkled my nose and beamed a smile. Although it was kind of hard to even keep my eyes open with that putrid smell assaulting my senses.

                                    "Hello Maria." I nodded at the troll. This seemed to please her. She beamed a smile at me, her sharp yellow moldy teeth in front of my face. Dear lord I was gonna faint from the smell.
But as soon as it was there, it was gone. I was falling, falling into darkness as I could see Atticus fighting poor old Maria. Her behind was turning red, and I'm guessing that it meant that she was feeling some type of way. (A/N- I'm feeling really thug in this chapter lmao jk) I heard a calling of my name as I looked to see Valdus running my way, and Atticus ripping off Maria's head. For some reason, I felt pain in my neck as I let out a gasp. I felt heat in the back of my neck.
                                   My name being called never ceased, and neither did the pain. I felt a huge headache form as I closed my eyes. When I opened them back up, I wasn't in the woods. I wasn't in the Bermuda triangle looking place battling with a troll names Maria. No, I was in a bed, the bed back at Atticus's home. I was back in my kidnappers home, and I was surrounded by people. The smell of hand sanitizer wavered in my nose and I winced. It smelled like a hospital in here.
My neck was still burning, and I don't think that was a good sign. I moved my eyes to the right and saw two familiar pairs of red eyes staring back at me. Atticus and Valdus. I pointed.

                                     "Are your eyes always red?" I asked, more like croaked. Oh god, I was parched. I wanted water. Valdus smiled and shook his head as Atticus chuckled. I slowly got up, rubbing the back of my neck. The heat was spreading, making me frown.

                                   "I didn't run away." I stated, looking at Atticus. I wasn't controlling my mouth, but I felt obligated to say it in a way. I don't know why I had to give my kidnapper and explanation, I just did.

                  "I know." He nodded.

                         "It technically wasn't my fault that you had to fight Maria, I'm innocent. I plea the fifth." I stated as he smiled a genuine smile.

                         "I know." He stated once again. I blew a piece of hair out of my face and frowned. It was wet. I ran my fingers through my hair and noticed that it had no twigs in it, and it was damp. I examined my arms and noticed no scratches from before. It was weird, like I was healed in some way. I looked up accusingly at Atticus as his smile turned into a frown.

                               "Did you shower me, you limp noodle?" I asked, suddenly feeling very exposed. Valdus turned his head, trying to hide his smile. Atticus shook his head 'no'. I huffed.

                               "Then why is my hair wet? What the hell happened?" I asked, as Valdus turned to me, full blown grinning.

                                "We were waiting for you to ask that question."

Woooooooooooo ! You go glen coco, an update two days in a row. I'm pretty kewl *dusts off shoulders* Get on my level. Jk
Anyway, I hope that I left you guys at least somewhat confused (that's my job, duhhh), it will all be explained I'm the next chapter. Whelp, not all, I mean, come on. I need to have like at least two questioned unanswered for the rest of the story to go on lmao
She can't just be living with a friendly vampire like nothing. And if you guys are wondering why she's being so chill about the situation, it'll be explained later, stop complaining. And for those who say my chapters are too short, here's another SHORT chapter. Enjoy lol
I feel like being a prick today haha sorry guys.




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