The breakfast butler

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Claire's POV

It was cold downstairs, but I simply could not miss breakfast. Walking down the marble white stairs and clutching on to the railing, I felt, discomfort? That couldn't be, this is my home. But why was I suddenly feeling as if I was empty and not at all like the girl my mother had raised. I frowned.

"Having troubled thoughts miss?" A familiar voice asked from the bottom of the stairs. I jumped a little bit and snapped out of my thought haze. I lifted my head to come in contact with an elderly set of warm eyes.

"You!" I exclaimed, a bit excited.

He pointed to he's chest and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Me?" He asked confused. I grinned at his antics.

"I know that voice!" You could hear the grin in my voice. I felt some happiness. He grinned also.

"You have much larger ears than I expected. Like a monkey of a sort." I commented, putting a finger on my chin in a thinking stance. He let out a chuckle.

"These ears were once nibbled on by many females." He stated proudly. I wrinkled my face in disgust with a shred of humor.

"Merlin!" I scolded. To this, he let out a booming laugh.

"Don't 'Merlin!' Me!" He said, putting on a falsetto voice imitation of me.
"I only speak the truth. And the truth, might I say, is that I've come to gossip. Well, that and I enjoy serving rich snobs breakfast. I live for it." He stated as I continued to walk down the stairs again.

"Really?" I asked, fascinated. I mean, some people had feet fetishes. I didn't doubt what he said.

"No not really." He grinned. "Do I look like the type of old man to be called 'Henry', walk around with a stick in my butt, and have affairs with young kitchen servants or maids?" He asked seriously, waiting for my answer.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and he took my arm to assist me.

"Okay, first, do you have to be absolutely nasty today? And second, you look like the type of old man to wear a blue star hat and some blue star robes. Like that Mickey Mouse Animation movie." I stated.

"First of all, you're old enough, why have you not had the sex talk yet? Girl, you have a lot to learn. I thought by now, Atty would've taught you." He stated laughing a bit as I pulled a face.

My mom isn't the type to give those talks, and my dads not here. What can I say, I was raised around prudes.

"And second of all, are you indicating that I appear as my wizard self?" He self consciously looked down to his butler suit with a frown. He inspected it.

"Because I specifically told my Tailor to make me seem like a 'drag of a butler, yet stylish. Don't make me seem hideous to butler fashion.'" He said worriedly.

"Ugh, I'm gonna turn him into a toad." He whispered with a frown. I laughed and shook my head.

"No, no, you appear to be fine." I stated with a smile.

"Because if my disguise sucks-" I shook my head, wiggling my bun a bit.

"No, stop being a drama queen, you like fine." I said. He looked at me with doubt.

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