Vampires Don't Growl

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Claire's POV

I awaken panting and covered in a cold sweat; no memory or recollection of what happened after the redhead woman came into the room. Why was everything so hazy and patchy?

           I was in the same room as before, except, it was empty and void of life forms. It was morning, I could see the sun rising as I glanced at the window. I wonder if that man and the girl with red hair was just a dream? It was strange but, I wasn't chained to the bed like before. Though I knew it wasn't a dream, it felt too real. Plus, I had marks on my wrists that were red and irritated from the iron chains. I sigh and rub my wrists, trying to soothe away the redness.

            As I stare at the now vacant spot where the woman had been sitting previously, I try to sit up slowly from the bed. My attempts to not make a sound were for nothing as the bed let out a low squeak at the shift from my weight. The door creaks open and I glance up to see the wannabe vampire leaning at the doorway, arms folded over his chest. As always, a smirk lights up his face. I can now see him clearer in the light and his features.

          Holy shit, he's beautiful.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks me with a knowing look and a spark in his dark brown eyes. I could almost melt in them, not.

       I frown at him, recalling a dream that I had while I was asleep a couple hours ago. I dreamt of him chasing me— when he catches me and his fangs come out, he growls. Not hisses, growls.

"You growled at me in my dreams." I say in confusion. His smirk grows wider as his eyes grow darker.

"Dreaming of me now?" He winks in a joking manner. I almost instantly turn beet red and shake my head wildly.

               "Nightmare." I cough out awkwardly, trying to fight the attraction I have of him. Atticus is what the woman from last night had called him. Was that his girlfriend?

"I mean, you kind of growled murderously. Not— Er, sexually." I clarify with hand gestures, blush blooming on my cheeks. He raises an eyebrow and I sigh as he still looks flattered.

"Vampires don't growl." I say, trying to change the sexual tone of the conversation. I shouldn't even be having conversations like this with strangers. Savior. He saved you. He lets out a chuckle and it rumbles throughout his chest.

"Would you rather me hiss, love?" He asks with another laugh. I glare at him and run my hands through my messy hair. The updo that I had for the ball had fallen out in my sleep.

"Why am I here? Where is that red head woman?" I ask, wanting to get at least a little answers without being annoying. Screw it, I'm allowed to be annoying, after all, I was the one kidnapped. He sobered up almost instantly.

"I took care of her." He had a dark expression on his face. I choked on my saliva. He shook his head.

"I didn't kill her if that's what you think." He stated it with a tone of finality that basically said 'no more questions'. I sigh.
       Maybe it'll be like in those books where I can be best friends with my kidnapper? Stop relating real life to fantasy books. You're going to end up dead. My mother would shake her head at my rude thoughts.

"Are you hungry?" He asks, turning his attention to my lifeless eyes and dry, cracked lips. He's giving me an observant stare as I stay silent. I wait for my stomach to grumble in response like in those books but, it stays silent. I wasn't gonna wait all day for my stomach, so instead, I nod wildly.
            He lets out another chuckle, his smile lines acting as if they were dimples showing. His smile was beautiful, but I wasn't going to tell him that. He reaches out and leaves his palm open. I put my hand in his ice cold grasp and shiver as he helps me off of the bed.

"Your hands are freezing!" I state as he licks his lips and stares at me through his thick rimmed eyelashes.

            "You'll get used to it." He mutters, but I happen to hear it.

            "Maybe you should turn up the heater." I suggest, gripping his hand tighter. I bring both of my hands onto one of his and try to rub them, hoping the friction would give him some heat.

             "Thanks." He says flatly as I laugh at his sarcastic remark.

             "No problem, Olaf." I respond, glancing down at my arms. I think about my veins turning orange and all of the weird things that have happened up until this point— and come up with no explanation. I glance up at the man named Atticus questionably as his black hair falls into his eyes. He puts his hand through it, combing it back as his intense stare is back.

         "We have a lot to discuss, huh?" He says as his eyes rake over my arms, likely remembering what happened last night also.

            "Yeah, we do." I agree, allowing him to pull me out of the room.

             What's the worst thing that could happen?












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