Chapter One - Rekindled Trepidation

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⚠️TW - Domestic Violence

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⚠️TW - Domestic Violence

Chapter Song - Dirty Diana by Shaman's Harvest

 3 years ago - Junior Year

Pens, notebooks, math textbook, biology textbook, binder. 

Yep, I have everything I need for my next lessons. Honestly Junior year is killing me ever so slowly, like an anaconda that wraps around its prey and suffocating it painfully slow. And junior year has barely even begun. 

Gosh, I can't even imagine what senior year is going to be like, if i'm here swarming in schoolwork and trying to make sure every assignment, essay and task I hand in is A worthy. 

I know it wouldn't be the end of the world if I got a B on an essay - well for everyone else it wouldn't be. For me I'd be blasted into a pit of despair and begin drowning in my own tears of self-deprecation. 

See, I'm just determined and in dire need to hand in my college application, than a few months later receive a letter that opens with 'Dear Ms Miller, Congratulations!'.

And then once i've seen the 15 letter word I break down crying and lay on my floor while the massive weight floats off my body and evaporates into dust.

Sounds a little dramatic when put like that, but it's important to me that I get into my dream school - I don't know what I'd do if I didn't.

"Hey," A deep voice whispers in my ear, as strong arms wrap around my waist and consume me in a warm tight hug. 

I smile lightly. "Hey," I whisper back, grabbing the rest of my stuff out of my locker, for my next few lessons. Wait- whats he doing here? We don't go to the same school.

"What are you doing here?" I frown, turning in his arms. His chestnut hair is messy and fluffy - like always - and he's dressed in dark jeans and his number 13 school football jersey.

He stands up fully, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Game tonight, the team decided to get here early, scope out your schools team," He smirks and I nod. Of course, always needing to intimidate the competition. 

Alpha male type weirdness. 

His team do it for every game, honestly i'm not sure what they do as 'intimidation' but I don't want to know. Perhaps they just growl and throw insults at each other, I mean if it were anything bad I'm sure I'd know. 

I'd definitely feel the bruises the next day. 

"Ah, of course," I nod, turning and shutting my old metal locker. They seriously need new lockers at this school, everything else they've replaced or renovated here, but the lockers. They're like a time capsule from the 80's, except they're covered in gum, bent and dented and the doors could fall off the hinges any second. 

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