Chapter Sixteen - Did You See The Ghost Of My Withered Past?

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Chapter Song - Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby by Cigarettes After Sex

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Chapter Song - Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby by Cigarettes After Sex

Burnt orange leaves and squelchy grounds; Autumn is easily one of my favourite seasons. From the rise of warm drinks, the ability to paint pictures on fogged windows and snuggle up under a blanket as rain buckets onto the roof. 

Autumn also means Halloween, which is still a month away, but I freaking love Halloween. It's not only the time to dress up, eat candy and go to Halloween parties - if you get invited, can't really relate - but it's also a time to binge every horror movie in existence and be terrified to go to bed afterwards. 

Thankfully, I have a boyfriend who doesn't scare easily and protects me from the invisible non-existent monsters. 

Campus is quiet as classes begin for the day and everyone heads inside to escape the chilly day. I instead take a seat on a bench under one of the large pine trees on campus. I love taking as many breaks outside or study sessions in the courtyard, unless it's raining or so freezing my fingernails chatter. 

A few other students loiter on picnic blankets or other benches with their noses in textbooks, and hands scribbling rushed notes. The trees whistle a happy song, with the smell of damp rain staining the footpaths and old buildings. 

A little sun peaks through the light grey clouds as the darker ones move on. I take out my textbook and notepads, needing to take notes for an upcoming test i'm not at all excited for. 

Tests are scary, stressful and stuffy. It's already bad enough feeling consumed by nerves, but now I have to sit in a tense quiet room with a bunch of other nervous people? With not even a window to crack open?

Not at all helpful in getting me to ace a test. 

My writing begins as it's normal neat form, with each letter obvious in it's shape, until I grow lazy and it turns into doctors cursive. As long as I can read it, thats all that really matters. 

Taking a sip of my peppermint hot chocolate, which I've now gotten Damien obsessed with. He's not really a chocolate person, but one sip of mine and he was sold. 

Yet, he continues to deny the fact. 

Zoning into my work, the sway of the branches above me and outside life disappears. My eyes go back and forth between my textbook and note pads, hoping all this scribbling actually pays off - which it usually does, but doubt is a nasty bug. 

It's not until a shadow looms over my open textbook that I return back to earth. I peer up, the sun stinging my eyes and blocking the person in front of me. 

"Hello?" I question the mystery person, only their blonde hair and broad shoulders seen between the bright sun rays. 

"Daisy?" the guy questions and I frown. Who is this?

"Uh yeah?" I question. "Sorry, I can't really see you. The suns in my eyes," I say, hoping they'll move and reveal their true identity. That seems like something someone says in an action movie - you're not Liam Neeson, Daisy.

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