Chapter Twenty Two - Birthday Boo's!

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Chapter Song - Birthday by JP Cooper

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Chapter Song - Birthday by JP Cooper

Petals of soft lips litter over my face, sending ticklish tingles over my skin and I roll over into my pillow. Though I'm pulled back over, ramming right into a pack of warmth, and I sink further into the cosiness of it all. 

"Happy birthday," Damien's soft, but gruff voice tickles my ear. 

I smile lazily, scrunching up at the feeling. Sitting up, I wipe my eyes of sleep, coming face to face to the beauty of my boyfriends messy bed hair and bare chest. 

I love it all in the morning. The messiness of our hair, the bareness of our skin still warm from the duvet, and the laziness of gentle cuddles and childish kisses. 

"Good morning," I say, stretching out my arms, and all there is in my body is excitement. 

It's my 21st birthday today, which is crazy to me. I swear yesterday I was waking up as an awkward 15 year old, and thinking my worst problem was what I was going to wear to school that day. 

Also the fucking pimples. 

I still feel like a teen girl on the inside, though. And to be fair, do we ever grow from being just a teenage girl? I really hope not, because I always want to see the world as a wide wild unexplored map instead of divided islands. 

"Morning, baby," he leans over and kisses me. Lovingly, passionately, in the way he always kisses me, and in a way he'll always kiss me. 

Looping my hands around his neck, he shifts over until he leans over me. My back pressed against the head board as he braces himself, arms surrounding me. And with the morning growing from a gentle steam, to a billowing fire, my excitement blooms further. 

Though it's a short lived warmth when a soft ball of fluff scrambles between us. I let out a laugh when Iris wedges herself between our bodies, and crawls up as she tries to give me morning kisses, her tail wagging with utmost happiness. 

"Good morning, sweet girl," I pick up her small frame, holding her to my chest. "Yes, yes, I love you too," I laugh as she continues giving me wet kisses all over my face. 

Slumping close beside me, Iris climbs over to me and onto Damien's chest. He holds her close, petting her gently as she gives him an equal amount of kisses. 

I can't help it, but my heart flies around with Peter Pan, as Tinkerbell flies around my stomach as she lines it with pixie dust. Iris may not be human, but in a way she's a gateway to how it may almost be like with a child. 

And I love every part of it. He's so gentle, so patient, so caring and kind with her. No matter if she chews up a couch pillow, maybe one of his expensive Armani oxford shoes, he always remains calm and patient. 

And yes, thats how it should be. But oh, it makes my skin melt into a puddle onto the floor until I'm just a shivering skeleton of giddy love. 

"Hungry?" he asks her, that sweet gentle voice only Iris and I ever hear. 

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