Chapter Thirty Two - Nine Month Long Changes

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Chapter Song - Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder

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Chapter Song - Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder

Waking up with constant nausea hasn't been fun. But sitting in class with it has to be way worse, incredibly worse, ten thousand times worse. Because I can't huddle up in bed, or sit beside a toilet - since public toilets aren't pleasant enough to sit beside - because I'm not in the comfort of my own home. 

Though, I can't lie, the knowledge behind why I'm suddenly nauseas every morning, craving weird combinations and foods I hate, plus having an increase in wanting to cry all the time, makes me smile. 

There's a little child growing inside of me. 

I still haven't told Rodney. It's only been a few days since I took the tests, and I guess I'm in the midst of processing it all. While also trying not to be sick at every food I see, and wondering how Rodney will react. 

He didn't have a good childhood like most. His dad was aggressive towards him, hard on him, and he didn't have any sort of motherly figure or other family member to rely on. For a long time, it's been himself, and it took him a while just to open up to me. 

Now a child? We've barely started dating and been official to the world. How on earth do I say 'I'm pregnant' to a man with anxiety of becoming a father?

As class is dismissed, I pack up my things and head into the crowded hallway. Daisy took a few days off after the whole thing with Damien's father and, you know, shooting him dead. I'd be the same if I shot someone, it'd be hard to process even if was out of protection and vengeance. 

"How was class?" Rodney's voice takes me by surprise, but makes me smile instantly. His hands lingering around my waist, and I turn in his arms, peering up at this man with an entire new perspective. 

"A lecture, so a bunch of talking and listening." I answer, leaning up and connecting my lips to his. This man isn't the softest in the world, from both physical to personal, but his lips are my own personal cloud. 

He hardens the kiss, and it makes me smile at his need. Taking my hand in his larger one and leading us through the crowded hallways, he sticks out like a sore thumb. People still glance worriedly at Rodney, even if he's always seen around this area because of Daisy. 

But I'd be scared too if I didn't know him like I do. Big, built, broad, and face set into a permanent glare he can't help. And though he only has the one facial scar cutting through his brow down to his eye, they'd gasp at whats on his body. 

But I find it beautiful. It's like a giant never-ending story, and even if he never tells me the stories behind every scar on his body, I'll love them no matter what. 


Oh, who am I kidding? I'm carrying this mans child and he doesn't even know, because I'm too scared to tell him. But when you've dated guys who leave at any sign of commitment, you get used to that running wind. 

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