Chapter Forty - Over and Out

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Chapter Song - History by One Direction

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Chapter Song - History by One Direction

A Year Later

"To the left, little more," Miles directs Daisy in front of the blushing flower bushes. "Perfect, now say 'I'm graduating!'." He tells her. 

"I'm graduating!" She smiles brightly, and if it isn't my favourite smile. Glowing with happiness - and also relief she isn't in school anymore - the sun glimmers down, making those green eyes of hers shimmer like jewels. 

"Ah! You look perfect!" Miles cheers. 

"Okay, now one with Damien. Go, go." Leo nudges me. 

Standing beside Daisy, I wrap an arm gently around her waist, and she leans into me a little, placing her hand on my chest. "Smile! That means both of you!" Miles tells us. "Cute! Okay, now do a kissing one!"

Peering down at my beautiful, smart fucking fiancé, she grins up at me before leaning in for a kiss. It's kept light and romantic for the photo, but I really just want to kiss the fuck out of her right now.

"Alright, we need to go," Daisy laughs. "I don't want to be late for my graduation." 

Continuing our walk down to Columbia University, it isn't far from where we were taking photos. Soon enough we're in the mix of other Columbia graduating students, plus their own family and friends. 

"Daisy! Daisy!" We hear call over the crowd, Naya pushing through with a bright grin, Rodney and Emma close behind her. 

"Ah!" Daisy screams, and they catapult into an excited hug. 

They sway aggressively, hugging each other tightly before pulling apart. "Finally, only took a million hours of studying." Naya laughs. 

"Literally," Daisy says. "Now let me see this little one, hello." She smiles at Emma, who's laugh bubbles as she also reaches for Daisy. 

"How are you, little cutie?" She tickles her belly, and she giggles. 

"Good!" She exclaims. 

As everyone bubbles around little Emma, the real star of the show at every dinner, event, or holiday from now on. Well, until more children come along - and seeing Daisy with Emma over the time she's grown has just made me want kids with her all the more. 

"Daddy! Daddy!" Emma reaches over to Rodney, who's happiness was bright with Naya, but became the earths sun when his daughter was born. I've never seen him smile so much, and though he still has that tough exterior at work, it's not there as much during home life. 

"Snacky, please." She says to him. 

"Alright," he presses a kiss to her chubby cheek, her black hair thick, with her eyes a steel grey like Rodney's. Unlike some children who at times look more like their mum or dad, Emma is a perfect mix of both of her parents. "Here you go." He passes her some crackers, and a mess begins. 

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