Bonus Chapter - A Day A Long Time Awaited For

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Chapter Song - Make You Feel My Love by Adele & Love On The Brain by Rhianna

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Chapter Song - Make You Feel My Love by Adele & Love On The Brain by Rhianna

Glistening white silk shimmers in the morning sunlight peaking through the window. My wedding dress sits hung up, ready to be worn today. And as the silence of what the day will bring settles in the bedroom of our venue in Crystal Creek Village, I wake up more. 

A smile dawns on my lip at the thought; I'm getting married today

I wonder if Damien is up yet? Probably, he's always been an early riser.

Sitting up, I place a hand over my lower belly. We haven't told a soul besides Damien about my pregnancy, and while it's been so tempting to tell everyone, I have loved the secrecy just between us. It's like our little moment, our little joy in the world. 

"Good morning!" Bianca sing-songs as she walks in, the slam of my door jolting me a little. "It is wedding time." She shimmies over to me, still in her pyjamas. 

I laugh, falling back onto the bed. "Finally!" I exclaim. 

"Where's the bride!?" Naya grins as she jumps onto my bed. 

"Right here, and ready to get ready." I smile. 

"Leo, bring in the drinks!" Bianca calls out, and both Miles and Leo rush in with two bottles of champagne. 

Welp, we'll have to work our way around this one. 

"You seen my mum?" I ask, standing up from the bed and stretching a little. 

"Right here, sweetheart," she comes in, and I rush up to hug her. "Here Leo, I'll take those," she takes the two champagne bottles from his hands. "Someone go get us some breakfast, and someone put some music on." She smiles. 

I laugh. "You love weddings, don't you?" 

"I do. And this one is about to be my favourite, I think." She comments. 

"Over your own?" I question. 

"That is one of my favourite days. But seeing you this happy will never be better than anything in the world." She cups my face, her eyes soft. 

"Here we go, this the jam." Miles bobs his head, him and Bianca beginning to dance to some upbeat music. 

"Lets get some glasses for these." Mum says, and we head over to the kitchenette in my room. 

"Uh, I won't be drinking." I tell her lowly. 

Her expression is confused. "Are you feeling nervous? Cause there is no need." She assures me. 

"No, it's not that," I shake my head. "Uh, mum, I'm pregnant." I say lowly to her, smiling shyly. 

She gasps, her hands cupping her mouth. "Really?" Her eyes begin to water. 

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone." I tell her. 

"How far?" She asks. 

"Two months next week." 

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