Chapter Twenty Six - Murky Truths With Lucifer

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Chapter Song - Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin

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Chapter Song - Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin

I pray Damien doesn't just become a statue of what he is now. I don't want to look at his pain, just the love that is overfilled in his heart. Everyday I sit and watch him, with my hand holding his, the fear tip-toes closer to eating my truth alive. 

But he's fighting, I know it in my bones. And I need to help him fight. 

Holding his hand and being by his side only does so much. I need to satisfy my hopes and prayers by looking for answers only one person has. Only one person knows what happened to Damien in that warehouse, and why he didn't make it out in time to kiss me. 

He knows. Damien's father knows. And I must know, even if I have to come face to face with my Devil's Devil. 

"I know you don't want me near him, but I can't keep sitting here wondering. Because wondering only leads me to wander to places of fear. And I really don't have the strength to wander so far from the hope I'm clinging onto." I tell Damien, unsure if he has any idea of my presence. 

I believe he does. I believe his skin has always remembered mine, and that our souls are old friends. That we could be blind, deaf, and dead, and still find each other through the touch of our century old memories. 

"But I'm talking to him, and you have to know that I would. I'll be back as soon as possible, and Miles and Leo are going to stay here for a little while," I tell him. "I love you," I say, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his forehead. "And I'll be back to have dinner with you." I press another kiss to his cheek, before grabbing my bag and leaving. 

Exiting his room, I shut the door softly behind me, Rodney out in the dismal hospital hallway waiting patiently for me. "Are Miles and Leo here yet? I don't like him being alone for long." I ask, already wanting to plant myself back beside him. 

What if something happens, and I'm not there? What if he dies, and I'm away from him? Will his ghost remember me it he didn't see me at death? 

"Not sure-"

"Daisy! We're here, don't worry," Leo calls out from down the hallway, Miles and Leo walking hastily up to us. "Sorry, we couldn't find a park." He says. 

I smile softly. "It's alright, just glad you're here." I say. 

They eye me with sympathy. My joy, my happiness, my excitement muffled by the dullness of Damien around me. "He'll be alright with us, you do whatever you need to do." Miles assures me, before pulling me into a tight hug. 

"I know, and thank you," I say, hugging him back tightly. "I should go," I pull back. "I'll be back as soon as I can, and If you can't stay for as long-"

"We're going to stay until you're back. It doesn't matter how long it is." Leo tells me, holding my face in his hands. 

I nod. "Alright, okay. Thank you, really." I thank them again. 

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