Chapter Thirty Nine - Hello World!

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Chapter Song: When Emma Falls In Love by Taylor Swift

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Chapter Song: When Emma Falls In Love by Taylor Swift

One Month Later (from previous chapter) 

"I know, Venom, I want them here as well." I say to Venom as I pet his head softly. His head rests on my lap as we sit on the couch, a random day movie on the T.V, my patience running thin for this baby to come. 

Rodney and I are as ready as we can be for this baby. Their nursery is painted a light green, with their cot, furniture, and decor all set up. Toys and books sit ready to be read and played with, and I just deal with the Braxton Hicks as of now. 

With the house to myself, I let my sore swollen feet rest on the coffee table, waiting for Bianca to pay her visit since she left her sweater here last sleepover. "Do you think they'll be a boy or girl?" I ask Venom, and his head only tilts. "I think a girl, too." 

Soon enough a knock echoes on the door, and I huff before pushing myself up from the couch. When there's a human literally inside of you, moving gracefully becomes greatly missed. I've taken on a penguin like waddle as my walk as of now. 

"Oh my gosh, it feels like forever for this baby to come." Bianca smiles as she walks through the door. 

"Don't I know it," I huff. "I've been dealing with Braxton Hicks for days, giving me false positives." 

She frowns a little. "Even right now?" she asks, and I nod. "You sure they aren't contractions? Has your water bro-" My water breaks just as she goes to ask me. 

Crazy timing. Perfect timing.

"Oh," I stare down at the little puddle of liquid on the floor. "Uh, hm. Maybe it was contractions, it did seem a bit odd how close they were." 

"Close?!" She exclaims. "Naya, you're in labour. Holy fuck! Don't freak out!" She freaks out, and I stand with an amused smile on my face. 

All for only two seconds until a contraction tightens in my belly, and I hunch over. "Shit." I grunt as I grip onto the island counter. 

Bianca rubs my low back gently, another hand squeezing my shoulder lightly. "We need to get you to the hospital." She tells me. 

Once that contraction is over, she grabs the pre-packed hospital bags and we head down to the parking lot. I waddle my way down, and carefully slide my way into the passenger seat just as another contraction begins. 

"I need to call Rodney." I breathe out during the contraction, squeezing the door handle for support. 

"I'll do that once we're at the hospital. Just breathe for now, Naya." She assures me, interlocking my hand with hers, and I squeeze it as tight as I do the door handle. 

Before Rodney arrives, Bianca stays by my side as she calls him and lets everyone else know I've gone into labour. She helps me into a hospital gown, while the nurses set up all that they need to prepare. 

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