Bonus Chapter - Under The Mistletoe

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Chapter Song - Underneath The Tree by Kelly Clarkson

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Chapter Song - Underneath The Tree by Kelly Clarkson

"Please tell me you have coffee." I whine to Naya as I hop into the ambulance, still waking up as it's 2AM in the morning and our shift is just starting. 

"I don't leave the house without some," she passes her stainless steel cup. "And I told you to get a coffee machine, it's vital for these shifts." 

I take a sip of coffee, needing a wake up at this hour. "I know, I know. But I only have time on the weekends to shop, and the twins are a caution in any shopping mall." I tell her. 

I love my twin boys with everything in me. But holy fucking moly, they've been a handful since day one. 

"I have no idea how you manage the twins. They're the cutest, and the scariest." She comments. 

"Tell me about it, just last night Derek climbed over the fence into the neighbours yard. We found him swimming in their pool at 10PM, and we have our own!" I ramble, shaking my head. 

Naya laughs. "Oh my god," she snickers. "Let me guess, it was Dorian's idea?"

"You would be correct." 

Dorian is the mastermind. And Derek is the tester. 

A hectic, marvellously insane duo. 

After sharing Naya's morning coffee, we eventually get our first call of the shift. Even though it is Christmas Eve, and it sucks to be working on the day before Christmas, people need help. And thats what we're here for; to help people. 

And me working a shift doesn't compare to the emergency's some people are going through during the holiday season. Which as cheery and joyful as it is, it's always one of busiest times of the year. 

Added with the piles of snow and black ice, it's also incredibly dangerous.

Dropping an elderly lady at the ER after a heart attack in her home, we head back out onto the roads. I drive a little more careful from the build-up of ice and snow on the roads, but take in the frilly Christmas decorations, bright lights, and jolly tunes echoing from stores now starting to open. 

Taking a break at 7AM, Naya and I park to a stop for some breakfast. "I'm telling you, the one I have is literally my soulmate." Naya boasts about her coffee machine. 

You could tell me she divorced Rodney to marry it, and I'd fully believe you. 

"Is your husband not your soulmate?" I question jokingly. 

"He is, of course," she says, opening the door as we head into a small, cosy cafe. "But in the early mornings, freezing like today, that coffee machine is my one true love." 

I tilt my head back in a laugh. "So if I get the same coffee machine, is it cheating or just polyamory?" 

"No, that's just his brother." She smirks. 

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