Chapter Twenty Four - Your Limp Hand

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Chapter Song - Carry You by Ruelle

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Chapter Song - Carry You by Ruelle

A beeping so slow, so meticulous, I swear it has a vendetta strictly against me. The room is frozen over with worry so thick, the walls are caving in. 

Sleep has been a stubborn beast not allowing me into its cave, and I haven't stepped foot near a mirror. I know I look dreadfully sullen, paler than Damien who lays still in his coma before me. 

I haven't left the hospital in days. I've been sat in the seat beside Damien's bed, his limp hand in mine, and all I've done is stare and imagine him opening his eyes. I miss the vibrant ice blue of his eyes, I miss his warm touch where his hand wasn't so heavy in mine. 

I've showered, slept, and ate in this hospital. Iris is being taken cared for by Naya and Bianca, as they take turns in feeding her, seeing her, and ensuring our apartment is okay. Leo and Miles have brought me clothes, helped me eat - since I'm barely able to function - and tried their best to get me back to life again. 

But I can't. My life is all in this room. It lays so still, and unconscious beside me. 

"Daisy." A knock echoes through the dead silent room. 

I look up from Damien, meeting Jack's sympathetic eyes. "Hey." I greet, my voice dry in its sadness. 

"How are you?" He asks, walking until he's at the foot of the bed. 

I shrug a shoulder. "The same, like he is." I answer, staring at Damien's even falling and dropping chest. It comforts, watching him breathe, it assures me he's still alive - just sleeping. Only sleeping. 

"You need to get some proper sleep. Go home, have a shower, have something to eat. You need a break." he tells me. 

I sigh. "I know, but I just can't. I don't want to leave him," I say, emotion re-crawling up my throat. "What if he leaves me when I do?" 

Jack wanders over to me. "He won't. He's okay, he's healing. He won't be anywhere but right here." He assures me. "I'll stay here with him, he won't be alone. But you need to get a full nights rest, a full meal, and a break. You need to see Iris, and gather yourself." He tells me truthfully. 

"I know, I know. I'm just so scared." I admit. 

"I am as well, but it's only because we love him. He'll be alright, comeback later after you've rested." He says, reaching out a hand for me. 

I take it, and he helps me to a stand. My legs are wobbly, my head spinning a little from lack of movement the past few days. "Rodney's outside, he'll take you home. Stay with you until you're ready." He tells me, and I nod. 

"Thank you." I send him a weak smile. 

"No need." He says.

With a tight long hug from Jack, I press a kiss to Damien's forehead, before leaving the room. Rodney is outside in the white hallway, sympathy drowning the steel grey of his eyes, and I inhale a deep breath. 

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