Bonus Chapter - Lunchtime Interruptions

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Chapter Song - Bones by MS MR

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Chapter Song - Bones by MS MR

"Can you grab my flats for me." I whine to Damien, peering at my ballet flats a mere three metres away from me. But at nine months pregnant, three metres is practically three kilometres. 

He wanders over and grabs my pink ballet flats. Kneeling down before me, he slips on each shoe onto my swollen sore feet. "There you go, love."

"Thank you," I smile. "Now you gotta help me up." I reach out for his hands, and he pulls me up easily. Massive pregnant belly and all. 

I am so ready to give birth. I'm a little nervous about it all, but I want this baby girl out and in this wonderful chaotic world we're ready to guide her through. And yes, we're having a little baby girl. 

We eventually decided we wanted to know the sex of our baby, just so we could decorate her nursery in exact detail. I decided on a flower theme for her nursery, maybe its a bit cliche for a baby girl, but it is just so pretty. 

With light pink painted walls, we left one blank and covered it in a floral wallpaper that sits as a background for her timber wood crib. A cozy beige rocking chair sits in the corner, an intricate light pink, beige, and white rug in the middle. 

The only thing missing is her. 

"Ready to go?" Damien asks, and I peer away from the nursery. 

I smile. "Mhm." 

"She'll be here soon." He says, his eyes holding excitement and nerves.

"Well, she's sure taking her time." I grumble. 

He chuckles. "I think she'll take us by surprise." 


With goodbyes to Iris, we head to the car. My parents are in town for the weekend since it's their anniversary, so we decided to do a lunch catch up. I should be sitting and not pushing myself, but that isn't making this little girl come out any faster, so may as well get some movement in. 

We'll be too busy for a while to have much time to go out once she's arrived. 

Over the drive to the restaurant, Damien's hand rests on my bump as his thumb caresses in smooth, gentle circles. His hand has always found a way to be resting on my belly as it grew, whether we're driving, watching a movie, or standing around. 

Any chance to feel his daughter move or kick, he doesn't want to miss it. 

"I am starving." I groan as we head inside, the restaurant fairly busy with bustling chatter, and flushed waiters running around to tables.

"Table for Miller, some are already here." Damien says to the front reception person. 

"Yes, table 11 over there." She points to our table, my parents already there. 

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