32. In sickness and in health

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 Can came out of the agency. He was tired from the busy day and sorry for Sanem's reaction. Once in the car he decided to stop and get her something to make it up to her. On the way he thought about the right gift. His first idea was flowers, but he realised that was too banal. Besides, they had to be special flowers, and in the city it was difficult to find them. "No," he told himself, "better not." He also thought about food, but realised that, both in the last few days and in the last lunchtime phone call, "the question have you eaten?" had been asked a thousand times and this would reignite the discussion that had started with "how are you?". "No," Can said to himself, "Best avoided. I must make it up to you, not shoot you!" Then he brightened up. "Books!"

Sanem periodically made a list of books to read. She loved reading and since the beginning of their relationship, they periodically exchanged copies of novels they loved. When they could not communicate in words, they relied on books, highlighting lines of poetry, or whole pages of novels. So he looked at his watch. He was still in time for a stop. Unfortunately, he had left the agency later than he had planned. Emre had held him up for some papers, but he could make it if he hurried. He accelerated and reached a well-stocked bookshop he loved. As he browsed the shelves in search of the right book, he came across a series of antique leather notebooks, finely bound. Sanem loved vintage hand-bound notebooks and diaries, so he chose the one that suited her best. His mind changed. No books. This time, he would give her that notepad with the intention of addressing a special message to her. Once purchased, he set off again towards the estate. When he entered the gate, he saw Bulut getting out of his pick-up truck. Can parked beside him and got out.

"Hello Bulut." he greeted him.

"Hello Can. Are you coming back now?" he asked him.

"Yes. You?" he replied.

"I just arrived. I came from the market. I brought back the empty baskets. I leave them in the little room next to the chicken coop and take the opportunity to check the chickens and collect some eggs, OK?" said Bulut.

"Sure. Go ahead." said Can. "Have you seen Sanem?" he asked him before he disappeared.

"No, in these ten seconds I got out of the car, I haven't seen her. I haven't left here yet, but I haven't seen any movement around. She's probably in the house." Bulut replied.

"OK, thank you. I'll see where she is now." said Can with a sigh.

"Can? Did you talk to her today?" asked Bulut curiously.

"Yes. You were right. She was angry. That's why..." said Can opening the back door of his pick-up. "I want to make it up to her."

"Ah! I see..." replied Bulut seeing a gift pack. "She got very angry, didn't she?"

"Let's just say it wasn't easy to talk to her. She asked me not to call her again. So I never heard from her again." he admitted apologetically.

"Uh, I predict stormy seas!" exclaimed Bulut.

"Hmm, yeah, when she's like that, best to give her her space and let her cool off. When she gets angry she's worse than a tornado!" replied Can, hinting at a smile.

"Well then, maybe, it was a good thing you weren't there... you would have been the target of her wrath." said Bulut.

"Probably." Can replied, smiling in retrospect.

"It's just that she's been weird lately, Bulut. She's tired, changing mood all the time. She sleeps a lot more than usual. She is weak. At times she has a big appetite, much more than usual. While at others, little or nothing. I don't know Bulut... maybe you're right. Maybe I'm blowing things out of proportion... maybe I'm seeing things that aren't there..." tried to explain Can.