34. The first ultrasound scan

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Sanem had fully recovered from the fall. In the weeks following the accident she had remained stationary at the estate. As she regained her strength, she kept busy with work, until occasionally returning to the agency with Can. In the meantime, she had continued her work on the book. The cream laboratory had given the go-ahead for the new formulas for the men's line, the production of which was to start soon. And she was so inspired that she came up with the idea of creating a children's line as well. For the time being it would remain just an idea, of course. The pregnancy, still secret from everyone, made her too sensitive to smells, but it was a good idea for the future.

She had just entered the eighth week. She and Can were at "Sanem." The structural work was finished and the furniture was starting to arrive. When she left the house, she camouflaged her first roundness with her clothes. On the surface it looked like yet another change of style and that was what she wanted to make believe.

At one point, while he was checking some things in her office, morning sickness made itself felt. Can, who in the meantime was talking to Bulut and Deniz, saw her running towards the bathroom.

"But where is she running to?" asked Deniz.

"Ah!" exclaimed Can. "She's on the phone, running to answer Mevkibe, you know how she is, right? If she doesn't answer, there's trouble!" he lied.

"Ah, yes. I know it well." replied Deniz with a sigh.

"And he goes to the bathroom to answer?" asked Bulut.

"It catches better there." replied Can.

"Uhm... so let's stay like this, shall we?" said Can concluding the speech.

"OK. If more furniture arrives, I'll let you know." replied Deniz. "Bulut will give me a hand."

"I'm going to run now. I have to pick up some certifications in the lab for creams." said Bulut looking at his watch.

"I'll go up to Cey Cey instead. He was looking for me earlier." remembered Deniz.

"Go, go, guys. I've kept you long enough. And thank you."

Can pretended to look at the papers in his hands as the two of them walked back up to the Fikri Harika. As soon as he was sure they were gone, he headed for to door of the ladies' toilet.

He knocked.

"Sanem? Love, it's me. Are you OK?" he asked her.

He knocked again. "Sanem?"

The door opened. "Everything OK." she answered as she walked out.

"Morning sickness?" he asked.

"Mh, mh." she aswered nodding her head.

Can massaged her back.

"Passed?" he asked her softly.

"It's passed... or at least I hope." she replied.

"But let's not think about it. We will see him/her today." said Sanem. "I'm too excited. And you?"

"I'm too happy." said Can.

The afternoon arrived and it was time for the ultrasound. And as soon as the doctor placed the probe on the belly and a heartbeat began to be felt, there was surprise. "But..." said Sanem.... "is there an echo?"

"What is it, Doctor?" Can asked seeing her puzzled expression.

"No problem. Let me just have a good look." From the monitor he could see the points where he zoomed and checked. He had confirmation.