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"Grieving the death of a loved one is an individual process that some people initially feel numb and disoriented, then they endure pangs of yearning for the person who has died."

"Des, is that really necessary?" Anne hissed at him, "I'm so sorry Izzy, ignore him. He's had a little too much to drink."

"It's fine." I smiled, taking a sip of my third double vodka and coke that Harry had got me less than five minutes ago.

I was sat around the main table with Anne, Robin, Des, Jo, Gemma, Michal and of course Harry, drinking and enjoying the afternoon of celebrating Gran's life in the pub that was holding her wake.

I smiled to myself, seeing the framed picture of her sat on top of the bar, perched perfectly and beautifully and keeping an eye on us all.

There was no other way she would have wanted it to be honestly.

In retrospect, it was pretty obvious that Harry had ordered them all to not let me out of their sight while he was at the bar conversing with Liam and Louis closely.

I knew exactly what he was doing, the cheeky little sod, having his family (or our family, should I say) look out for me because of Dan and Molly.

He was still on edge regarding them being here.

"I'm just saying Annie, there's no need to blame it on the drink. Others feel anxious and have trouble sleeping, have you had trouble sleeping, love?"

"No, um, no trouble at all." I answered truthfully, as Gemma groaned beside me.

"I'm sorry 'bout this," she whispered, "Do as mum says, ignore him."

I smiled, taking another sip as Harry caught my eye from afar. He winked at me, also giving me a thumbs up (which was his way of questioning if I was okay) and I nodded, pursing my lips forward to blow him an air kiss.

I grinned as he pretended to catch it, slamming the palm of his hand hard against his chest, sorely above his heart.

"You two are so sickening." Gemma retorted, to which I laughed and returned to my drink; "I can't believe you've been together almost a year. It's flown hasn't it?"

"It absolutely has."

"Any ideas what you're doing for your one year anniversary?"

"Haven't really thought about it," I told her truthfully, "Although, Harry mentioned once that he'd like us to go back to the hotel in London where we first met at the gala dinner."

"Oh that would be lovely!" She gushed, "He's such a romantic when he wants to be, even if I do tease him for it. I bet you never thought that night would have turned into all of this."

"Not in a million years," I whispered, smiling at her softly, "Sometimes when I sit back and think about it, I can't quite get my head around it."

"Neither can I," she said, "I mean, Harry's achieved so much in such a short space of time, I keep forgetting that he's only 21."

"I know," I replied, "I don't know how he's dealt with most of it y'know, he amazes me everyday with how calm and collected he is. I'd have lost my shit by now."

Gemma smiled, "Me too! He was literally born for this though... I just can't wait to see what he comes up with next."

I grinned into my glass, Gemma's eyes firmly fixated on me.

"You know something-" she said accusingly, "Tell me, what is it? What's he gonna do?!"

I pressed my lips into a firm line, stopping myself from giggling.

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