The Infuriating Flirt

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*picture of Lan Sizhui


The Cloud Recesses welcomed the group home with its peaceful energy. However, one man just had to ruin it. Mo Xuanyu was wailing in front of the main gate clinging to the donkey.

"I swear if you don't shut up I will punch you and make you regret it." Lan Tian couldn't stand watch this any longer. Through this life Lan Tian had gotten very good at identifying when they were being watched and it was clear that they were. He could also feel Lan Wangji practically burning a hole in the back of his head. "Fine. Whatever, go in or don't. I couldn't care less you imbecile."

Lan Tian stormed away, and past their Uncle, slamming this door behind him.

Lan Tian was furious, they threw anything that was in his reach and threw it against the walls. When there was nothing left to throw Lan Tian left his room to find a training area. Mumbling they began slashing everything they could with their sword. "Why now? Why now if all times? How could he just show up like that and be so obvious!?"

A short while later Lan Tian noticed someone was watching them again, "Dad, I don't wanna talk about it. Just leave me alone."

"Lan Tian, please. Talk to me." Lan Wangji moved closer to his child hand out. "Come on, we can go inside so it's private."

Lan Tian grunted while sheathing their sword. "Fine." He made a beeline for his dad's room without regard for anyone else.

Once inside Lan Wangji closed the door. "You wanna talk dad? Fine let's talk. Let's talk about that man that is now who knows where running around the cloud recess! Let's talk about how Wen Ning happened to show up all of a sudden the day after I play the flue for the first time in who knows how long. Let's talk about how he played that makeshift flute better than most people I know."

"Lan Tian..." Lan Wangji tried to grab a hold of his child but they just brushed him off.

"Let's talk about the last time something like this happened." Lan Tian's Boyce can't stop from cracking as he chokes up the words, "Let's talk about how we both thought that he came back for us just like everyone said and then he didn't. How I spent days on end after trying to summon his soul. How my fingered bled for days. How you were so distraught you didn't leave your room for a week. He doesn't care! If he did he'd come back."

"Lan Tian, you know it's not that simple. It's not like he could just come back from the dead." Lan Wangji slowly stepped closer not wanting to set them off.

"Everyone calls him the most powerful cultivator in the world, so if he really cared he'd find a way. Or I don't know, maybe he'd not have a child then abandon them." Lan Tian laughed a deep soul shattering laugh.

Suddenly Lan Tian was stopped by a big warm embrace. "I just wanted to meet him." The words barely left his mouth as he stood motionless.

"I know kid. I know."


Sore and exhausted Lan Tian sauntered over to the cold springs. The only thoughts on their mind was the physical pain they were in. Rage training was not so good on his body.

As the water slowly surrounded Lan Tian with its embrace, he finally felt calm again. Chances were if Lan Tian had done any of that in front of anyone else they would have added a few more whip scars to their already full back.

This was one of the only places where Lan Tian felt at home. It was hard to get to though because no one wanted to sit in a spring with him. Being born a female and identifying as anything but really didn't help his situation. They girls felt weird about having them in there with him and he feels weird around the men. So they could only come about two to three times a month.

Of course there was one exception, Jin Ling. Since they were young children the two would hang out with each other and nothing changed when they told him he was trans. They still hung out and had fun together, it was just the way that everyone else treated him.

His thoughts were upset by the clamour in the other spring. It sounded like Mo Xuanyu was causing trouble again. Rolling their eyes, Lan Tian got changed and made his way back to his dad's tranquility room.

Upon inspection Lan Tian saw both Lan Wangji and Mo Xuanyu in some sort of power struggle and could determine two things. One that Mo Xuanyu was most defiantly Wei Wuxian, and two that it was way too late for this bull. So, he turned around and went back in the direction of their own room.

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