Tremble Part 2

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WC: 1472

"Have you been waiting here all this time?" Wen Ning asked the corpses.

If he'd been alive, his eyes would surely be red and welling with tears. He held onto Lan Tian a little tighter as he spoke, feeling their heart beat.

No one really knew what to. Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning had so much to say but they just couldn't.

Lan Tian stepped away from Wen Ning to face the corpses and give Wei Wuxian a small smile.

The two both bowed and croaked out, "... Thank you." Lan Wangji soon followed, along with some of the corpses who couldn't decide on what to do.

And then, as if their spirit and life had blown away with the wind, they collapsed in a heap.

Wen Ning threw himself to the ground trying to gather all the bright red ashes that had fallen. The juniors tried to offer their perfume sachets and assistance to Wen Ning but were ultimately reminded that they cannot touch the ashes due to possible corpse poisoning, again.

"Wei-qianbei, Hanguang-jun, Ghost General, Lan-shidi, thank you so much for..." Lan Sizhui started.

"Thank you for what?" a cold voice came suddenly from the crowd.

Everyone turned their heads to face Fang Mengchen, who seemed to have many of his own opinions.

"What the heck is this?" He harshly demanded. "Atonement? You cannot actually be feeling grateful to him!"

Lan Tian popped their tongue and scoffed lightly in the deafening silence of the Demon-Quelling Cave. His father gave him side glance but he just raised his shoulders as if to say, "Well I didn't say anything did I?"

When no one answered him, Feng Mengchen fumed even more and then lunged with his sword. "Did you think making a show of repentance with a few good deeds could repay the blood debt you owe?!"

Wei Wuxian dogged his attack but Lan Tian refused to move staring the man straight in his face with a devilish smile. As his sword reached the end of his lunge Lan Tian stood, head slightly a skew with a shallow red line across the side of their cheek.

In an attempt to mediate, someone from the crowd yelled out, "Fend-xiong! Don't get so riled up. Just forget it..."

As soon as those words left the man's mouth, Feng Mengchen began seeing red, "Forget it?" he scoffed, "What do you mean 'forget it'? Do you think my dead family can forgotten just because you said so?!" He continued, his voice booming, "Wei Wuxian killed my parents- that's the truth. So how is he suddenly the hero? Can anything be forgotten with just a few good deeds? What about my family? What do they count for? And if you think that spoiled brat is any better, they act just like him! Did you not see the murderous intent in their eyes as they fought today?!"

Lan Tian tilted their head and raised an eyebrow towards Lan Wangji. A silent conversation was quickly held between the two in a matter of seconds.

'Now can I do it?' Lan Tian asked with a hand drawing near their sword.

Lan Wangji's head moved slightly as his eyes quickly grew then shrank, 'Don't even think about it. We're in enough trouble as it is. Besides, you could have absolutely dodged that attack.'

'But..." Lan Tian pouted slightly before perking up, "If he hits me again then can I do it?"

'No. Remember the rules...' Lan Wangji started.

Lan Tian sighed, 'But they're no fun, and there's too many. It's not like I'll be let back in there anyways after all this.'

'No means no. Do you want me to take away your ability to see Jin Ling? I could just tell Jiang Cheng you're dating and then he'd be locked up and barred from ever seeing you again." Lan Wangji motioned to Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling who were close by.

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