Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I woke up on a couch with my arms wrapped around Lexi, her head tucked under my chin, with one of her hands, unsurprisingly slipped under my shirt all the way to my chest.

My head was pounding.

I made a pained sound at the back of my throat, which in turn probably woke my Pumpkin up because she let out the same sound, snuggling into me more.

"Aaaaaaah, paaaaaain," she said in a muffled tone against my chest.

"Shhh, please don't talk," I replied, pressing a hand to the back of her head.

"SHUT UP," someone yelled a little further away from us in the room.

Lexi and I both flinched at the sound. In pain again.

"Ohgod," Lexi moaned, pressing her face even more against me.

We stayed quiet for a few more minutes. We weren't both going back to sleep though. Now that we were sober but hangover, the couch did not offer such a comfortable sleeping option.

"What time is it?" Lexi whispered.

I fished around for her phone, taking it out of her jeans back pocket, and looked at the time.

"Seven in the morning," I replied just as softly.

"Dear lord, why are you even talking to me, let's sleep," she whined, the hand still in my shirt digging a little bit more into my skin.

"I don't think I can sleep again. I need my bed. And a shower. And I need to brush my teeth," I admitted.

My breath disgusted my own self. I might have puked at one point of the evening. Or maybe it was just the alcohol and the fact that I hadn't brushed my teeth in too long.

Either way, Lexi reluctantly agreed to leave.

Eventually, we managed to both sit up on the couch, side by side. We both sort of leaned in forward, our elbows on her knees. We turned our heads, looking at each other, and chuckled a little at our posture.

"Could you booooth juuuuust shuuuuut uuuuuup," Trevor whined on the floor not too far from us. He was still holding on to his spray water bottle, like it was a teddy bear.

We both laughed at him, and then got out of the room, hand in hand, trying very hard not to step on anyone or make too much sound.

Once we got out of Jessica's house though, and outside, we flinched like we were vampires seeing sun.

"Oh Jesus, kill me now," Lexi whined, hiding her face with her arm.

I fake sobbed as we walked back to my car.

It was a chilly morning, a nice one in other circumstances, but the sun was killing me, and I just wanted to be in bed with my girlfriend, and try to survive the hungover.

I hadn't been hungover in so long. I did not miss it at all.

We both sat in my car in silence. I turned off the radio immediately and got my hands on my sunglasses right away.

"God, how can the sun be thiiiis bright?" Lexi whined beside me, and just grabbed my jacket from the backseat and hid her face under it.

She actually fell asleep like that, and I had to wake her up once I got home.

Lexi followed me, her hand in mine as we made our way to my room.

"We should have grabbed something to eat on the way here," she said as we walked up the stairs.

"Driving us back home in one piece was the only thing I could focus on. Forget about making pit stops. Anita will have something for us to eat after we sleep."

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