Talking about past & fighting between fallen

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[scene: abandon city]

(Y/n) and Jalter was cutting down demons. They went into a building where a demonic fungus has grown over. Jalter just looked at the fungus and burned it with her fire. Allow the two it enter. (Y/n) then felt the presence of something nearby.

(Y/n): We're close, I can sense the presence of the target nearby.

Both hunters talked as they made their way to the target.

Jalter: Finally, last kill this demon.

(Y/n): Hold on something up with it, it's doesn't feel like the other demons.

Jalter: So what it probably just a more powerful demon then those weaklings.

(Y/n):No, from this presences, I think we dealing with a fallen Angel.

Jalter: Well that explains the traces of holy energy I felt.

(Y/n): Wait, you can feel holy essence?

Jalter: As much as I hate to admit it, I am a fallen saint. Even a fallen saint like myself can still feel holy essence.

(Y/n): so how did you end up in hell then? Shouldn't you went to heaven instead?

Jalter: I was meant to go to heaven yes, but I was captured and betrayed by the church, and burned at the stake accused of witchcraft, I woke up in hell. I found out that the church was corrupted by demons and infused the fire with magic that sent to hell, instead of my soul to heaven, I was dragged to hell.

(Y/n): So that why you were in hell.

Jalter: Yeah, many years of the feeling of betrayal and hatred, I became the person I'm now then a few centuries later I meet you, Dean and Doom.

The two stopped, as (Y/n) axe kicked the floor make a hole to reveal the fallen angel.

The two stopped, as (Y/n) axe kicked the floor make a hole to reveal the fallen angel

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(Y/n): I will leave this one to you Jalter

Jalter: Good, talk about my past angered me so I going to take out my frustration out on the angel here.

Jalter pulls out her sword and her flag pole as the fallen angel draws both his light swords. The charged at each other as (Y/n) was sitting on the ledge watching the fight, then his phone rings.

(Y/n): Hello

Yang: (on phone) Hey bro

(Y/n): Hey sis, what's up.

Yang: Nothing much but I need to set a trap at beacon, because me and my team don't trust them.

(Y/n): Are you using that book I gave you?

The area then went up in flames and the sound of someone being stabbed.

Yang: Yeah, I'm thinking of using the-

Jalter: Mother F__ker I going to f___ing murder you fallen angel!!!

Yang: Was that Jalter?

(Y/n): Yeah she fighting a fallen angel right now-

He was cut of by the sound of a man screaming.

Yang: What..

(Y/n): Jalter just tore his wings off. Anyway, make sure you tell ozpin what you're doing, he's one of the only people outside of devil may cry that knows about what we do and the secrets of the world.

Yang: Okay, well I got to go love you bro.

(Y/n): Love you sis bye.

He hung up the phone as Jalter got up with glow white blood in here and both wings of the fallen angel.

Jalter: Done.

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