~ Chapter Forty Two ~

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~ (y/n)'s POV ~

There it was again, that horrible dream...

It had been coming back to me once or twice over the past month, and it wasn't getting any easier. The same building, blue fire, and dead corpses were on a constant replay in my thoughts throughout my days, and I didn't know what it was trying to tell me, what hidden meaning this dream was trying to communicate to me?

Even though it hasn't gotten any easier, I had gotten used to the chill I felt and just tried to brave through it until it was all over. 

Once the dream had come to its awaited, yet sudden end, I slowly came to my senses and started to feel the boiling hot atmosphere turn into soft warm breathing glazing my skin. It felt so nice and soothing compared to the terror I felt in that inescapable space. 

There seemed to be a nice breeze around us and I hummed in a sense of serenity. I rustled around in what felt like to be a pair of arms.

Keeping my eyes closed, I sighed calmly, "You can set me down now, Katsuki...I'm awake..." I hummed.

There was a deafening silence coming from his end of the conversation. I opened my eyes and looked at him, "Katsuki! I'm fine! You can set me down now-"

I quickly stopped and my breath hitched, my face flushing up with embarrassment. The person who was holding me not only wasn't Katsuki, but it was Marlo! I squealed in humiliation as I covered my hands with my face, burying myself deep into his chest so he couldn't see my face.

"God, I'm so sorry, Marlo! I was just dreaming that it was another person holding me! N-not that I'm not glad to be held by you, because I'm always happy to be in your arms! Oh my god that sounds weird! But um, you know, who wouldn't wan't to be held by you, am I right?" I nervously rambled on, digging myself into a deeper hole than I already was in.

He just anxiously chuckled at my frantic behavior, "I don't know if that's true, but  whatever floats your boat I guess!" He stated, while lowering us down to the floor as he set me down, "So who's this 'Katsuki' guy? Is he like, your crush or something?" He asked nervously, seeming a bit down.

I instantly flushed up, startled that he was that bold to assume that! I mean, sure, I said his name like two times, but just based off of that, he assumes that I like like Katsuki? Never in a million years! I mean, sure he's a great friend and I wouldn't know what to do without him, but like him? Never! I only see him as just my best friend!

"N-no! Katsuki's-um...Katsuki's just..." I had never told anyone about my friendship with Katsuki before, was I really about to tell Marlo?

"I-it's fine, you don't have to tell me what this 'Katsuki' guy is to you if you don't feel comfortable!" He reassured, stammering through his words while frantically waving his hands around.

An amused smile rested on my face as he said this. I don't know if he's super intuitive, or if he's just one to avoid conflict when all possible. Either way, I'll take it!

I still felt a little weak from just waking up, so I held out my hand for him to take so he could pull me up. His face finally rested back to its laid back and chill demeanor and he gripped my fore arm firmly and pulled me up. 

"Hey, you should probably drink some water!" He stated, gesturing to the water fountain behind me, "Shoto said that the most likely reason that you passed out was due to the lack of water you've had today." He explained.

I felt my face heat up in humiliation that he knew that weak point about me, but I was also red from the butterflies in my stomach from the fact that he cared enough to remind me to take care of myself. I may not be doing the best job about that right now, but baby steps.

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