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"Yoongi." Namjoon sighed when he came around the corner and saw Yoongi had filled their shopping cart with junk food. "We only came to get milk. What's all this?"

"Happiness in the form of calories." Yoongi answered, grabbing an armload of cookie boxes from the shelf and dumping them into the cart.

"No!" Namjoon started putting them back. "How the hell are you not obese with the way you eat? You can get two boxes and that's it!"

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at him. "You can't stop me, sub."

Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "You really want to do this now? In the cracker aisle? There are little kids one aisle over, you know."

"I'll fuck you anytime, anywhere sub." Yoongi pushed Namjoon back against the shelf so hard it wobbled. "We can get banned from here - I don't give a fuck who sees."


Both men paused and looked to the end of the aisle, where a man was standing, staring at them.

"Dad?" Namjoon blinked.

Yoongi quickly pushed himself off of Namjoon and cleared his throat. "Hello, Mr. Kim."

Mr. Kim hurried over, abandoning his cart. "Joon...my Joonie...how have you been?"

Namjoon looked anywhere but at his father. "Fine."

Mr. Kim stared at his son. He looked like he wanted to run over and hug him but was forcing himself to stay in place. 

"Why do you look so much more grown up?" The older man whispered.

"I graduated." Namjoon mumbled, looking down at the ground.

"Joon... your mom and I wanted to see that... we wanted to come to such an important event in our son -... in your life... but after.... everything, we just..." Mr. Kim tried to explain, but just fell silent.

But Namjoon still had words to say.

"You mean after you disowned me?" He snapped, tears springing into his eyes.

It was quiet for a moment and Yoongi could feel how uncomfortable Namjoon was, so he quickly stepped between them and held out his hand to the older Kim.

"Hello there. I'm Mr. Min, but you can call me Yoongi. It's nice to finally meet you, sir."

Mr. Kim blinked and looked at him, like he hadn't even realized Yoongi was there.

"Stop, don't try. Let's just go." Namjoon whispered, tugging on Yoongi's shirt as he turned to leave the aisle.

"Dear! Why did you get ten boxes of fruit snacks? You know Namjoon hasn't eaten those since he was five!" A female hurried over but stopped suddenly when she saw Namjoon and Yoongi. "Oh..."

Mrs. Kim looked shocked as she looked her son up and down. "Baby."

"...mom." Namjoon's voice was barely above a whisper.

Mr. Kim took a step forward, his hand outstretched. "Namjoon, wait, please, stay and talk with us!"

Namjoon flinched back, hiding behind Yoongi and the man stopped, hurt.

"Can we please go?" Namjoon whispered again to Yoongi, and the older man could hear the tremor in his voice.

"Son...." Mr. Kim said softly, his expression full of pain.

His wife hurried to his side and hugged his arm, her eyes wet as she looked at the boy hiding behind Yoongi.

"I'm not your son!" Namjoon snapped. "You both decided that long ago!"

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