Please don't speak to me like that

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Over the next few days, Harry avoided doing a lot of his live lessons. The only one he attended was art as he had always loved drawing.

Their assignment was to draw an animal and Harry decided on drawing a Lioness. He was really pleased with it and felt even more pleased when all the girls came in and complimented him on it.

Because of Harry's lack of attendance, Hannah received an email from the school.

"You've got to do your lessons," Hannah told him, "They're important."

"Missing a few lessons won't hurt," Harry argued. He really hated online learning.

"Look I don't want to argue with you. Do your lessons. End of," Hannah said.

"If you don't want to argue then why are you bringing it up?" Harry shouted. He was losing his temper and that didn't mean anything good.

Sandy and Mary were looking over at them. They had just finished goalie training and were all hanging about outside the sports hall.

"I'm bringing it up because I want you to do well. You aren't helping yourself by avoiding things you don't like," Hannah said, slightly raising her voice as well.

"Ah just stop being such an interfering bitch," Harry shouted, his temper finally snapping. Hurt instantly flashed over Hannah's face but in that moment Harry didn't care. He stormed off and walked into the nearest room, slamming the door as he did.

He sat up against the wall and held his head in his hands. A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts.

"Harry, can I come in?" Mary's voice asked.

"Fuck off," Harry shouted. He didn't mean it, but the anger had taken over.

"Please don't speak to me like that," Mary told him. Harry didn't answer. He was slowly beginning to feel a bit guilty over the things he had said.

Mary pushed open the door, closed it behind her, and without saying anything, she came in and sat next to him.

"I'm sorry for telling you to fuck off," Harry said, quietly, after a few minutes of sitting in silence.

"It's okay. I know you were angry," Mary said.

"It isn't okay though. I shouldn't speak to people the way I do. I hate being angry. It makes me say stuff I don't mean. Hannah isn't an interfering bitch. She cares about me more than anyone else ever has," Harry rambled, letting it all out. Tears stung his eyes, and he blinked hard in an attempt to push them away.

Mary pulled him into a hug.

"You're right. You shouldn't speak to people like that but it's good that you acknowledge that you're wrong. Hannah loves you and she knows you don't mean anything by it. Have you ever spoken to someone about your anger? If you haven't, you should. It will help you let it all out," Mary said. Harry's head was buried into her shoulder, and he was crying gently.

"Shh, shh. I've got you, darling. It's alright," Mary comforted him. The pair stayed in silence. Harry liked it. Mary had a way of showing she was there without even saying anything.

"I need to say sorry to Hannah," Harry said once he'd calmed down a little bit.

"That's a good idea," Mary agreed. Harry pulled away and looked up at her. His face was tear stained.

"Thank you for helping me. And I'm sorry you had to deal with this," Harry said.

"Oh, darling don't worry about it. If you need someone to talk to just know that I'm here," Mary told him. Harry smiled at her. They got up and together went to find Hannah.

"Hannah I'm so sorry. You're not an interfering bitch. You look out for me, and I shouldn't be rude because you're right. I'll do my lessons I promise," Harry said as he sat next to his sister.

"Thank you for saying sorry. I only want you to do well because I care so much. You might be an annoying little boy sometimes, but I do love you," Hannah told him. She pulled him in for hug and Harry hugged her back.


Harry was walking down the corridor to his room when he could hear someone singing. He stopped for a second and moved his head around, trying to figure where it was coming from.

It seemed to be coming from Leah's room, so he went over and leant up against her door to get a better listen.

It was indeed coming from Leah's room, and she was really getting into it. Harry couldn't help but laugh. She sure was going for it.

"Harry? What are you doing?" a voice asked from behind him. Harry turned around and saw it was Georgia.

"Is she singing again?" Georgia asked before Harry even had time to explain. He nodded and Georgia came over to join him.

"This doesn't sound like her kind of song," Georgia said after listening to Leah sing 'Believer' by Imagine Dragons.

"No, it doesn't," Harry agreed. They both stayed listening to her, ears pressed against the door. They were both laughing. Admittedly, Leah could sing but it was still funny.

The song drew to a close and Leah was suddenly aware of giggling coming from outside her door. She recognised those laughs.

She walked to the door and opened it. Harry and Georgia almost fell onto her.

"Alright?" Leah asked, coldly. She was a bit embarrassed that she'd been caught.

"Yep," Harry replied, quickly. He was biting his lip to stop himself from laughing.

"All good," Georgia said, straightening herself up.

"What you up to?" Leah asked.

"Well first things first, I was saying all the words inside my head," Harry said, quoting the song. Georgia fell about laughing and Harry did as well.

"Oh, ha ha very funny," Leah said.

"Also, I'm fired up and tired of the way things have been," Georgia told her before practically collapsing with laughter. Harry had to grip onto her.

"I can't breathe," he managed to say between laughs.

"It's not that funny," Leah told them.

"Oh, sorry are we causing you pain?" Georgia asked.

"It's alright we're just making her a believer," Harry finished before they once again fell about laughing. Leah couldn't help but smile.

"You two," she sighed as she shook her head.

They were still incapable with laughter when she shut the door and went back inside.

Leah walked down to chill out before dinner. As she entered, 'Believer' blared loudly from the TV.

"How long have you been waiting for me to come down?" Leah asked G.

"Ages," she answered, truthfully. Harry was standing next to her and laughing.

The three of them chilled out before dinner and Harry and Georgia spent a considerable amount of time winding Leah up. She didn't mind though. She had to admit they were both very funny.


Lionesses- Harry HamptonWhere stories live. Discover now