What's wrong with me?

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The next day Harry avoided going to breakfast. He told Hannah that he would grab something while she was at training.

As much as she wanted to make him come down, she just left it. He was a teenager and if he wanted a lie in then she would let him. At least it meant he was getting some good sleep.

At lunch, Harry tried to go early to miss as many of the girls as possible. Only Lauren and Jill were sat eating when he entered and as he was filling up his plate Millie came in to grab herself something to eat.

"You alright?" she asked cheerfully, scooping some rice onto her plate.

"Mhm," Harry grunted in response, picking up another bit of chicken. As he did so, his sleeve rode up a little bit, revealing some of the cuts on his wrist. They were red and nasty and Millie noticed them instantly.

"Harry? What are those?" she asked. Harry froze. No one was meant to know. He dropped his plate and tried to make a run for it. Mary had just walked in the room and was a bit taken a back with the scene in front of her.

"Grab him," Millie said. She knew it sounded a bit mean but he needed to be kept under someone's supervision.

Mary did as she was told and engulfed him into a big hug. Harry tried to desperately push her away and with one big shove he pulled out and ran from the dining room.

Running away from professional athletes wasn't his smartest idea and soon enough Mary had caught up and once again got him in her arms.

With Millie's help they managed to shepherd him into one of the small rooms nearby. Now he was in a small enough space, Mary released him and Harry began to destroy everything within the room.

If it wasn't stuck down, it was on the floor. By the time Harry had collapsed onto the sofa crying, the room was destroyed.

Mary sat down next to him and gently pulled him into her arms. He didn't fight and just let himself lay there, sobbing into her chest. Millie sat on the other side rubbing his back in a calming circle.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he repeated, weakly.

"It's okay, darling. We're here. No one's going to hurt you, okay?" Mary told him. He just lay in her arms, crying and repeating sorry over and over again.

"What's wrong with me?" he breathed out sadly. Millie and Mary looked at each other, their hearts breaking into a million pieces.

After what felt like forever but could've only been about 10 minutes, Hannah burst into the room, her face covered in panic.

"What's happened? The others explained what they knew but they didn't know much. Oh Harry, what's happened?" she said, anxiety making her speak at a hundred miles an hour.

Millie moved away so that Hannah could sit down and as soon as she did Harry was in her arms, still crying.

That was who he needed, his big sister. She gripped him tightly still unsure of what was going on.

Eventually he began to calm down and Millie and Mary asked to speak to Hannah outside. She obliged. As much as she didn't want to leave him alone, the only way he could leave the room would be through the door they'd be standing by.

"What's happened?" Hannah asked as soon as they were out of ear shot.

"Oh Hannah, I'm so sorry," Millie said, squeezing her arm gently. After the explanation she'd just had, Hannah wanted nothing more than to lay down and cry but she couldn't. She had to be strong for Harry.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Mary asked as Hannah went to go back inside.

"No. This is a conversation I should probably have alone," she replied, leaving them and going inside.

Lionesses- Harry HamptonWhere stories live. Discover now