You all deserve the world

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It was the 29th of July. Harry's last full day of camp. He wasn't going to be staying with the girls on the night before the final. That had been decided ages ago and he didn't mind. They would all need their good sleep.

The day was like any other day. Completely perfect.

After training had finished, they all went to the pool. They laughed and they chatted and they generally had a good time.

"If you splash me I swear to God I will jump in there and hit you with a pool noodle," Leah threatened as she noticed Georgia and Harry advancing forwards. Her threat didn't work and in complete unison, they sent a wave of water all over her.

Swimming away quickly, the two of them giggled and shrieked when they realised Leah was after them, pool noodle in hand.

"Sarina help us," Harry said as they climbed out the pool and ran behind the England boss. Leah followed after, wielding the pool noodle.

"Leah leave them alone," Sarina said, not even looking up from her book. She was so used to their antics that she didn't even question it anymore. Leah's jaw fell open, how was she taking their side?

"But...," she tried to argue, glaring at the two of them hiding away, both sticking their tongues out.


After dinner, the whole team went and sat out on the patio. They all sat in groups, chatting and talking about whatever random things crossed their mind. It was hard to believe that the biggest experience of their life was about to happen.

Leah lay looking up at the sky, Harry and Georgia curled up on either side of her.

For a few moments they lay in silence, taking in the beauty of it all.

The quiet didn't last long as neither Harry nor G could keep their mouths shut.

Later on in the night, Harry was sat on Hannah's lap slowly dropping off as the others chatted quietly around him.

"Whatever happens, you know I'm proud of you, don't you?" Harry said, sleepily.

"Yes. Of course I do," she replied.

"Good," he said before he allowed the sleep to take over and he drifted off in her arms.


He couldn't sleep. His evening nap had set him off and nerves were already making it difficult to drop off. He was sat in the chill out space, finishing off something he'd started at the beginning of the tournament.

Whenever the girls were training, he would sit inside doing it and now they only needed a few finishing touches.

"Alright?" a voice asked from behind him. Harry spun around and saw Chloe stood behind him.

"Mhm. You alright?" Harry replied as she sat down next to him. He'd debated covering up what was in front of him but she'd already seen so there was no point.

"What are these?" Chloe asked, marvelling over the drawings in front of her.

"Pictures of you guys," Harry replied, surveying his work proudly.

"You drew them all?" He nodded.

"They're incredible!" Chloe said, amazed at the talent. On the table were 23 drawings, one of each of them, with their names and squad number emblazoned next to it.

They were incredibly accurate and even without the clues you could tell who it was.

"How long did these take?" Chloe asked, still looking in awe.

Lionesses- Harry HamptonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant