"At the Gate" -TXT x Y/N

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This includes: Angst, Fluff, Death
A platonic short story of Y/N dying in a bus accident, and meeting five angels at the gate of heaven.

Written in 1st POV.

🎶: '0X1=Lovesong (I Know I Love You)' by TXT

Everyone was excited for the school trip.

Everyone had been counting down the days to when we would not have to attend our boring classes and go somewhere.

Except for me.

I never find happiness in anything.

For as long as I can remember, depression has tainted my vision and aspects in life completely dull.

Every day is a chore.

Not a gift.


I felt a nudge on my shoulder.


"We have to board the bus."

My best friend pointed at the white vehicle. For some reason, I felt uneasy looking at it. Yet at the same time... I felt serenely calm.


The two of us stepped onto the bus and walked down the aisle. We sat down on an available spot close to the window, and I looked outside at the city, as I had the inner seat.

Many of my classmates piled into the bus, and took a seat as well. Many were unloading their earbuds, candy, and their phones to play games as soon as we start driving.

My best friend smiled cheerfully at me.

"We're gonna have a great time, aren't we?"

I was already distracted with what was going on outside the window.

"Yeah. I'm sure we will," I replied.

"I hope you'll feel better once we arrive, okay?"

I slightly nodded, and pulled my sleeve down to cover my wrist. As one may think, there are cutting scars on there.

The bus slowly went into motion and exited the parking lot.

I leaned my head against the window pane, letting the sun beam down at me through the glass and onto my eyelids. I closed them, the gentle jolts of the bus rumbling down the road running through me.

My best friend had their favorite music playing through their earbuds, and I could hear what was playing. I recall something with numbers... but I don't know which ones.

Everyone was distracted.

Even the driver.

Only I saw it.

Only I saw the truck coming at us with fast speed... and the sun suddenly disappeared into nothingness.








I dizzily opened my eyes, feeling strange, and gasped while sitting up straight when I saw where I was.


I stood up, and I felt so light.

Light as a feather.

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