"Share Your Burdens" -Soobin x TXT

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This includes: Heavy Angst
Being a group leader isn't easy.
It comes with endless responsibility that commands strength and a brave heart to carry through all the hardships.
Soobin never expected the role of a leader to be so difficult, especially with his already existing insecurities.

Warning ⚠️: mentions of body dysmorphia and depressive episodes
Takes place around Good Boy Gone Bad era

The entrance to the dorm slammed to the side, and the five boys entered their cozy apartment.

"Phew, what a day," Taehyun exclaimed.

"Yup," Beomgyu replied, hanging his coat on the rack.

It had indeed been a busy and tiresome day.

But fun.

"Whatcha y'all planning to do before bed?" Yeonjun questioned.

"I'll probably work on the melodies for our upcoming album."

"I'll cook something."

"Video games for me," Hueningkai responded.

Beomgyu playfully rolled his eyes.

"You lazy bum; good thing you're cute," he said, pinching Hueningkai's cheek.

"Oh come on, you're still mad at me for having bigger arms?!"

"You literally never work out!"

"Now that sounds familiar."

"Watch your mouth," Taehyun warned, raising a playful finger.

Yeonjun chuckled seeing them bicker.

"What about you Soob—"

His words cut off when he didn't spot Soobin beside him. Come to think of it, their leader hadn't even uttered a peep since they arrived home.

Probably why he was able to slip by, unnoticed.

"Soobin?" Yeonjun frowned.

Beomgyu stopped bickering and looked around.

"Wait, where did he go?"

The Maknaes shrugged their shoulders.

"I dunno."

"I'll go check his room."

As soon as they came home, Soobin went straight to the bathroom, wanting to take a shower. He was hoping that the warm water that rushes from the shower head soothingly on his back could lessen his stress.

But when he came to the bathroom, stripping his clothes off, Soobin couldn't help but stare negatively at his body.

A sigh escaped his lips.

The members were right. Why don't I work out more? My body really doesn't look good; my bone structure is so small and brittle, so unmanly.

It had been another busy day of filming To Do.

Usually, all the members absolutely love shooting for their favorite variety show that allowed them to be as carefree as they wanted to; after all, they never have a solid script to follow.

Heck, they usually never know what today's theme will be after opening the episode with their cheery intro.

So, it wasn't surprising that Soobin was rather shocked when the staff told that today's episode would be called 'Updating their Profiles'. Especially when he read all the slots they had to fill out.

He was questioning whether people really need to know every tiny detail about them; don't they deserve some kind of privacy?

Soobin shrugged it off, telling himself that it was part of his job and that he shouldn't make such a big deal out of it.

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