"Walk" -Taejun

641 18 13

This includes: Angst and some fluff
When Yeonjun causes his stepbrother to lose the ability to walk, he does everything he can do to help him walk again.

A/N: just for some extra info, even though their names are exactly/similar to an idol's name, the parents in this story are fictional characters :) just wanted to quickly put that out, okay have fun reading 💙

🎶: 'I Need U' by BTS

Yeonjun hates Taehyun.

Simple as that.

Hate is a strong word though, which is why some background info must be enclosed so that more people could understand him.

About a year ago, Yeonjun's parents split. He stayed with his dad while his mother moved across the country.

And just two months later, his father announced that he was getting married to another woman soon. This woman happened to have a son, who was three years younger than him.

Their first encounter did not go well.

"They're here!" Mr Choi exclaimed, running from the living room to open the door.

Yeonjun was immediately annoyed.

He was watching an episode of AOT with his father and they were about to figure out whether Armin or Erwin was gonna become the colossal titan.

But noooo, his new family is more important.

He heard his father greet his... girlfriend with a happy voice, and from the corner of his eye, Yeonjun could see that he was giving the son a hug, especially since he saw a hand that seemed too veiny to be a woman's.

Mr Choi entered the living room again, his boyfriend and her son trailing behind him.

Yeonjun didn't care much about the woman, having met her before already. No, he was more interested in the boy.

He was not very tall (his father was over his height), wore a simple hoodie paired with ripped jeans, had brown hair with tad bit overgrown bangs, and had large eyes that he obviously inherited from his mother.

"Yeonjun, I want you to meet Youngson's son, Taehyun. He's 19 years old by the way," his father explained.

"Pleasure to meet you."

Yeonjun's voice was anything but welcoming, and Taehyun slightly hid behind his mother.

"I'm sure you both will get along just great, don't you think Geonhak?" Youngson questioned.

"I think so as well."

The more that Taehyun was in Yeonjun's presence, the more he despised him and the less he wanted to spend a life with him.

Especially because he couldn't understand why his father was so whipped for him.

He was just so average.

According to Geonhak, Taehyun loves playing soccer, he is at the top of his class, and he enjoys working out a lot. Youngson also talked about the amount of fundraising activities Taehyun participated in, helping many animal shelters and senior residence homes, and Geonhak acted like it was the greatest thing he ever heard.

Maybe it was the envy, but Yeonjun couldn't understand how that was any better than what he accomplished before.

He won the national spelling bee in fifth grade, became the top dancer at his dance academy, and even works at the most famous library of Seoul.

TXT OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon