"Boat Trip" -Taebin

545 11 2

This includes: Angst, Fluff
Boyfriends Taehyun and Soobin go on a trip together in the Pacific Northwest, but something goes wrong while they go canoeing.

A/N: The Pacific Northwest was the current topic in English class for me at that time so instead of doing my homework I wrote this :D

"Are you ready to go Taehyun?" Soobin called from their shared hotel room.

"Give me a minute!" a voice replied from the bathroom.


Soobin decided to pack the final things into their camping bags, and to make one hundred percent sure they had portable chargers, batteries, toiletries, and an emergency first aid kit. He checked if they had their tent, their sleeping bags, and enough cutlery to eat with at the campfire.

Suddenly, he felt a heavy weight jumping onto his shoulders, nearly causing him to topple and fall face first into the bag.


He was greeted back with bright giggles, and a slight nuzzle in the neck.

"Finally scared you!" Taehyun teased.


Soobin would love to get mad, but how can he when his brown haired boyfriend is so... endearing?

He gently slapped his arm instead.

"Don't do that again; I could have broken my nose if I fell into the bag. Tent poles aren't very squishy."

"Yep. Not like your cheeks," Taehyun replied, poking and squishing Soobin's cheeks mischievously.

Soobin sighed and shook his head, but he himself couldn't hold back his smile at his boyfriend's adorable behavior.

So instead, he only removed Taehyun's arms so he could sit on the ground, then placed his hand around his neck and kissed Taehyun's forehead.

"Come on; we don't wanna be late for our reservation down by the waterfront banks, right?" Soobin asked.

"Of course not; let's go Hyung!"

They left their hotel room with their luggage (Taehyun carrying the backpack with all their necessary items and Soobin the bags with their tent equipment), boarded a bus that drove them to the camping spot (Taehyun nearly fell asleep on Soobin's shoulder as he barely slept due to excitement, which Soobin found even cuter), and then finally arrived at the said place.

Soobin and Taehyun showed the camp security guards their reservation papers, knowing enough English to communicate with them, and the two made their way towards the spot.

The two spent an hour pitching up the tent, unpacking their sleeping bags, and setting up a camping stove.

Soobin had promised lots of marshmallows and s'mores to roast over the fire, and as expected, Taehyun couldn't wait for that.

It was the perfect anniversary gift, besides the canoeing ride they will do once they're done with setting everything up.

"Can you hand me the pegs?" Soobin asked.

"Sure," Taehyun responded, quickly rummaging through their bag, and handing them over to him.

"Thank you Taehyunie."

Soobin pounded with his balled fist on the peg, and thanks to his strength, the peg was pushed deeply into the earth so it would stay.

"Okay, that was the last one. Now let's get ready for our boat ride, okay?" Soobin asked after a while.

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