A little update from me.....

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Hey lovelies.

So you may or may not have noticed that I've coincidentally been only uploading oneshots on the members' birthdays and I haven't been updating as frequently as I did earlier this year and in December of last year. Most of you know that the majority of my oneshots were written as early as 2021 so I had a lot of time and a whole supply of oneshots to publish, but of course, supplies ALWAYS run out, which is why I asked for requests, and plenty of you have given me ideas.

Now comes the question: where are those ideas in the shape of stories?

Two words: school life.

I've been back in school for about a month now and dear GAWD the amount of work I've had in the first month alone is terrifying. The teachers didn't lie when they said we will be overwhelmed with a LOT of assignments and that we should always use our time wisely in study periods. I tried to put as much time as possible for writing aside but it's like near impossible with all the other school tasks I need to take care of.

And with recent events, I've been kinda crestfallen with writing TXT oneshots or stories for a while.

Why you may ask.

I was supposed to go to Kpop Lux London and FINALLY see TXT live after rotting in Germany for four years wondering day and night if they will one day come to my country or to Europe, because it's actually pretty easy traveling to other neighboring countries.

But guess what, the event got canceled ten days before I was supposed to see them on September 23rd.

Yeah that was not fun to hear on Wednesday right after school.

Honestly speaking I couldn't really listen to Kpop the past few days because of how angry and disappointed I felt knowing I lost my rare chance to see the boys. I'm truthfully surprised I was able to still tune in to Back For More and participate in streaming, because I couldn't even bear watching the VMA performance on Wednesday because of how sad I was.

At least I'm not the only one who's disappointed as Soobin mentioned how excited he was to finally go to Europe on We-Live yesterday and have an amazing day off. I don't blame him because I've been to London before and it's really a great city with many touristic attractions.

This is hopefully gonna be HYBE or BigHit's wake-up call to send TXT to Europe because it's about time they actually visit this continent. If they don't have European tour dates next tour then I'm actually gonna get so mad.

Anyways that's enough negativity for now.

Long story (or rant) short, I'm really trying to get some work done, and I hope you guys remain patient. I will eventually get back to this book and update regularly, but I don't know when.

That was all, stream Back For More

- Author LK

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