"Roller Coaster" -Sookai

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This includes: Fluff
Soobin and Hueningkai celebrate their first anniversary as a couple while going to the amusement park.
Even if Hueningkai hates roller coasters.

Note: that Sookai selca dropped at the right time lmao

🎶: 'Roller Coaster' by Chung Ha

Today was April 10th. For most people it seems like an ordinary day in April once again, with no special meaning.

April can be a weird month.

In some places it's a bright and cheerful month where flowers bloom from the showers of rain.

And in others, it still snows or it's still cold.

So most people have mixed feelings when this month arrives.

Like I said, 'most people'.

There are always those exceptions.

For example a certain couple walking hand in hand through the amusement park of downtown Ansan.

"What do you want to do first?" Soobin asked.

It was early afternoon, just around 1:30pm, and the amusement park was bustling with life. It was crowded but not too much, and the weather was quite sunny with some clouds.

In other words, pretty much perfection.

"Are you asking me?" Hueningkai questioned back.

"Yes. You go first."


Hueningkai scanned the closest rides to them first before answering.

"Can we go to the swing carousel?" he asked, pointing at one.

"The swing carousel?"

The brunet nodded.



Soobin and Hueningkai walked in that direction. The ride didn't have many people going on, so the line didn't take so long. And before Hueningkai could pull his wallet out, Soobin had already paid for their fare.

"Hyung, I wanted to do it!" Hueningkai whined.

"Sorry. Maybe the next one."

Soobin smiled and rubbed Hueningkai's belly.

"Aigoo are you mad at me now?"



Soobin and Hueningkai entered the carousel, and strapped themselves into their swings, right next to each other.

"Are you ready?" Soobin asked.


The swings were lifted up from the ground and then the carousel swung forward.

Hueningkai cheered the moment they were moving.


He probably beat out all the kids cheering and screaming around.

Soobin was just busy covering his forehead from the extreme wind, but he amused himself nevertheless.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" Hueningkai exclaimed.

Soobin laughed.

"I agree."

"What do we do now?"

"Are you asking me to choose this time?"

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