"A Best Friend" -Tyunning

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This includes: mostly Fluff
Taehyun is a lonely student. Even if his grades are perfect, he wishes for the one thing less smarter students have: a best friend.

So it begins with writing messages on the school bathroom tiles.

Taehyun has it all.

He has astounding doll-like visuals, a polite personality, and most of all, he is the top student of his class, heck, maybe even of the whole school.

Teachers loved to praise him.

Whenever he would score a 100% on his tests, they would put a sticker on his paper, and sometimes even give him a lollipop.

It sounds fantastic, doesn't it?

Well... not really.

There were two (maybe three) things that made Taehyun miserable and lonely with being such a smart student.

First off was because of how jealous the other students got. Of course, who wouldn't want to be smart and praised by teachers, and even more, get stickers and lollipops as a reward for your work? And instead of being happy for that person, they shit on them. It's just how life works.

Second was because of his intelligence, Taehyun was under a lot of pressure. His parents had high high expectations for him, and Taehyun spent on average three hours studying for his tests, and maybe even already for college entrance exams, since he was in junior high school. So the lack of sleep and free time takes quite the toll on a seventeen year old.

And third, which was the one that hurt Taehyun the most, was that he didn't have a best friend.

It was the one thing he envied the most from all his classmates who may not be as academically advanced as him. Whenever they failed their tests or got scolded by the teacher, they always had their friends to go to.

Taehyun could only watch from the corner of the table he usually sat at for lunch at all the giant groups distributed across the cafeteria, laughing and throwing food at each other, not being able to experience it.

And seeing that made him rather miserable.

He didn't need a huge friend group, having too many was too much, but he wanted to have at least one person.

Just one best friend would be enough for him.

"Watch out, nerd alert!"

"The nerd of the century is coming!"

Taehyun ignored those comments as he rushed through the hallway, not wanting anyone to get into his way to the bathroom.

But of course, someone has to just stick their foot out, causing Taehyun to trip and fall to the floor.

Earning loud laughter and giggles.

After collecting his books again, Taehyun ran as quickly as possible to the boys' bathroom, shutting the door.

He immediately went to the back cubicle, and locked the door.

The back cubicle in the boys' bathroom was the most dreaded cab of the whole bathroom, as the toilet didn't work, there was no toilet paper, and what people found the most disturbing was that there was graffiti on the wall.

But for Taehyun, this was paradise.

Especially because it was deserted and abandoned, meaning he can spend his lunch break here, and not have to see people having fun.

What did he do?

Taehyun decided that the time he spends in the bathroom is just for himself. He would spend his time reading books of his own interest, listen to music while doing so, and sometimes craft paper airplanes.

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