"Youthful Love" -Beomkai

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This includes: Angst, Fluff
Hueningkai and Beomgyu are in love.
It all began with being good friends, but of course, some friendships bloom into love.
But there's one little problem.
It's 1979.
And back then, life wasn't too great if you were like them.

Requested by Beckyxs

🎶: 'Sk8ter Boi' by Avril Lavigne

The sun beat down on Kai's toned arms, tanning them with every kick of his foot against the gravel ground.

It was late summer, and he was on his way to the ice cream parlor to get some ice cream for himself and his sisters.

That they sent him completely on his own was his fault; he unfortunately lost that round of Rock-Paper-Scissors to them.

At least they wrote down their desired ice cream flavors and Kai wouldn't have to worry about getting murdered for picking the wrong flavor.

"Okay chocolate and strawberry for Lea, then caramel for Bahiyyih, and finally—"


Kai looked up just in time to see someone on their bike just a few inches away from him and swerved away before they could collide.

But that didn't prevent him from crashing into a bunch of trash cans nearby with a loud yelp.

"Shit," he cursed under his breath.

"H-Hey, are you okay?!"

Kai glanced up to see a boy with medium length hair that was streaked with white highlights stretching his hand out to him, sporting a worried expression on his face.

Which was by the way, extremely handsome.

"Oh... yeah, I'm okay," Kai replied.

"That nasty scratch on your arm says otherwise. Come on, get up; I have some spare bandaids in my bag."


The boy pulled Kai up to his feet and then walked to his bike, getting his bag from the basket on the backseat.

"Gimme a sec," he asked.


The boy rummaged through his items, digging deep for the bandaids. And with Kai being curious, he glanced into what was inside. From his view, he could see some leg warmers, and... ballet slippers?

"You dance ballet?" Kai questioned.

The boy glanced up.


"You dance ballet?"

"Oh... yes, I do. I was on my way back from there when we collided."


"Found them!"

The boy held up a pack of bandaids in his hands with a bright grin that made Kai's heart flip at least ten times.

"Come on, lemme treat that cut on your arm."


The boy inspected Kai's forearm for any other possible injury, and when it was clear to him it was only that scratch, he applied the bandaid.

"Thanks," Kai thanked him.

"No problem. Is there any way I should make it up to you?"

"Oh, no need. The bandage was already enough."

"But I feel bad. Can I at least treat you to ice cream?"

Kai widened his eyes.

"How funny; I was just on my way to the ice cream parlor."

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