"Modern Version" -Yeongyu

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This includes: mostly Angst and Drama
How did Beomgyu end up falling for an extremely attractive yet dangerous criminal named Yeonjun? And why would he join him?
Let's hear their story.

Inspired by the greatest English kpop song of all time

🎶: 'Bonnie & Clyde' by Yuqi

Beomgyu was typing on his computer, his eyebrows furrowed, and his eyesight slightly blocked by his overgrown messy hair.

He occasionally sipped on his iced caramel americano, until it was empty and he only sucked air through the straw, and he tossed it aside.

A sigh escaped his lips as he finished the document he was typing on, and sent it to the USB stick, along with other files.

Suddenly, a newsflash notification blared at the corner of his desktop. He clicked on it, and the newsflash opened on his screen.

A frantic news lady was standing with her script cards in her hands, and started talking once she was on air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the infamous criminal Choi Yeonjun was spotted near the corner of Yeop Street and Line 256. The police are trying to find him, please remain safe in your homes or whatever building you're currently residing in as they..."

"So it's time," Beomgyu said.

Of course he knew who Choi Yeonjun was. Everyone knew who the #1 most feared criminal of Seoul was, hence his title. 

But Beomgyu knew him even better than everyone else.

A year ago, Beomgyu's school was under alert because a whole gang of criminals had broken into the school, and were sent on lockdown.

Beomgyu was out in the hallway, and all classroom doors were shut in front of his nose. No matter how much he punched and hammered on the doors, no one opened them for him. He had no choice but to hide near the lockers.

As he crouched down next to them, the window right beside him shattered, and a long lean figure swung inside.

The person stood up, holding his pistol up.

He turned around, and spotted Beomgyu hiding, looking like a lost puppy based on his innocent appearance.

Most people's reactions would be to scream for help and beg the criminal to spare their lives.

But the first reaction Beomgyu had was: what the fuck is this guy so hot for?

And then he realized who it was: Choi Yeonjun.

"If you want me to spare you, then you thought wrong," the infamous criminal said, cocking his gun.

"Oh yeah? Try me."

Without any hesitation, Beomgyu went out of his hiding spot, and kicked the pistol out of Yeonjun's hands, catching the weapon and pointing it at him.

Yeonjun was astounded.

"So, who should spare who?" Beomgyu sassily questioned.

"You... you're quite talented," Yeonjun responded.

"I know I am. And you better get out of this school before I pull the trigger on you instead."

Yeonjun scoffed, and took his rope blaster out.

"Fine," he said before leaping out of the window again.

But after that event, these two somehow ended up bumping into each other more often, whether after school or in public (secretly).

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