"The Beauty of the Rose" -Taejun

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This includes: Drama, some Romance
A kingdom covered in thorns.
Thorns adorned with roses.
A prince who met a young man in the woods, as beautiful as that flower.
How does all of this connect?

A 'Sleeping Beauty' Taejun AU ❤️

Seventeen years ago, the prince of the kingdom of Lieve was born. To celebrate his birth, the king and queen invited the three good destiny fairies to bless their newborn son.

The first one, Fauna, gifted him with beauty.

The second one, Flora, gifted him with a voice as pure and sweet as honey.

But as Merriweather, the last fairy, wanted to present her gift, the entire ceremony was interrupted by a huge puff of smoke.

Within the smoke was the evil enchantress, Maleficent, who wasn't exactly pleased to know she wasn't invited to the party.

Of course, the king and queen demanded for her to leave, but Maleficent decided to play around with their feelings.

She was, after all, evil.

She waved her wand over the prince's bed, and chanted an evil spell: by the time of his eighteenth birthday, he will prick his finger on the spinning wheel, and die!

Laughing maniacally, the enchantress disappeared into thin air.

The king and the queen were devastated, knowing that their beloved son would only make it past seventeen.

However, there is always an inkling of hope.

Merriweather hadn't gotten the chance to give the little prince a gift yet.

Though it was impossible for her to take the curse back, Merriweather was able to slightly reverse it.

Instead of dying once the prince pricks his finger, he will fall into a long deep sleep. The sleep will continue, until love's true kiss comes to the prince.

In order to protect the prince, the three fairies—



Taehyun slammed his book shut.

"Aunt Flora!"

Flora nervously giggled.

"There you are Taehyun; what were you doing?"

"Just reading."


Flora smacked her lips.

"Could you do me a favor?"


"Please head to the forest, and pick some wild berries for me. I'll need them for preparing jam."

"Of course Aunt Flora!"

Taehyun rolled off his bed and grabbed his shawl that was hanging on a hook in his bedroom, before taking his basket.

"I'll be back!"

He clattered down the stairs, and Flora sighed.

"Gosh, time flies."

The past seventeen years, the three fairies had taken Taehyun, the prince of Lieve, under their care. They raised him, away from the royalty and magic, in a little cottage in the woods.

They were all rather happy, but the fairies lived every day in fear of Taehyun getting captured by Maleficent, and never permitted him to go anywhere past the borders of the forest.

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