"Love At First Proper Sight" -Yeonbin X Tyunning

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This includes: Fluff
Basically an extended version of Minisode 2's comeback show kdrama recreations.
Cuz y'all deserve it lol.
Featuring Gyu as the third wheeler

🎶: 'Love Sight' by TXT

Yeonjun sighed as he pushed the heavy cart of items down the aisle. It was already late at night, the entire supermarket was empty as it was past closing hours, and he was one of the only coworkers left over.

He used all of his strength to get the cart to move, but that stubborn thing just would barely budge, squeaking against the linoleum floor.

Yeonjun was whining innerly, complaining about the inconvenience, until he heard footsteps coming closer.

Inquisitive, he looked between the crates on the cart creating gaps, which allowed him to see his friend Soobin, who was pushing the cart from the other side. 

"I'm okay, just go," Yeonjun said, avoiding eye contact.

The taller one shook his head.

"I'll help while I'm here, because I'm a good boy. You should go home after finishing this quickly."

That's how Yeonjun knew that Soobin was refusing.

As usual.

"No, that's not what I mean. I'm just worried we'll be misunderstood," he replied. 

Soobin frowned, his eyebrows knitting into a deep crease.

"What misunderstanding?"

Yeonjun was hesitant.

Should he tell Soobin what he hears from his coworkers? Should he tell him what comments they leave whenever they see him with Soobin, interacting together in the way they usually did?

Why did people even have to interpret it differently? Especially since Yeonjun was sure that his sexual orientation wasn't even guys.

At least he thinks so.

Soobin seemed to be waiting for an answer, so Yeonjun decided to just go for it and take the risk.

"That... if you're my boyfriend... they don't believe it when I say that we're just friends. But it's inevitable if someone sees us like this, so just go!!"

Upon hearing those words, Soobin stopped moving the cart. Yeonjun pouted his lips, unexpectedly startled by this.

After a while, Soobin opened his mouth.

"It's not a misunderstanding."

Yeonjun frowned.


Soobin looked into his eyes.

"You're not just a friend."

Yeonjun blinked in disbelief at the indirect confession. Meanwhile, Soobin moved the cart aside.

"You're a special friend," he responded.

Once again, Yeonjun only blinked in confusion.

"Don't you get it?" Soobin asked.

Of course Yeonjun understood what he meant. He was just in too much shock to even move. Which is why Soobin chose to walk towards him, and hold his face in his large hands.

The two stared at each other's orbs, hearts pounding in their chests, before Soobin finally leaned in and kissed Yeonjun on the lips. Upon their contact, Yeonjun closed his eyes, not comprehending anything.

His hands held onto Soobin's arms tightly, nearly pushing him away, unsure whether he was dreaming or not.

Believe it or not, he secretly dreamed about this moment, and every time he woke up, he was plainly disappointed.

But from the way Soobin's lips moved against his gently, he knew that it was... too good to be a dream.

So he just let himself get lost in their kisses, moving his inexperienced lips against his... boyfriend's, who seemed to have a teeny bit more knowledge.

And he could care less whether someone walked in on him and Soobin.

At this very moment, the two realized that they indeed love each other, and are meant for one another.

No one can ruin that.

Unless you're Beomgyu, of course. He was another coworker, and he just turned a corner when he spotted the two kissing.

Of course he nearly jumped back, having just walked in on PDA. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't hallucinating, and when he realized he was perfectly fine, he covered his mouth to not scream.

Ever since Beomgyu saw Soobin gifting Yeonjun a box of chocolates to cheer up for work, he was shipping these two.

And you can't blame him, especially since they were so made for one another.


Taehyun had to admit something. He doesn't get attracted to people easily. But give him just two days in the hospital, and he's madly attracted to a foreign doctor named Kai Huening.

Ever since he came to the hospital after being shot in the leg while serving in the army, Kai has always been checking up on him, and made sure that he was always in the best condition.

That of course didn't mean Taehyun wouldn't ask about him either. Especially since Kai also worked part-time as a singer.

So of course, Taehyun would often ask him about his musical work.

Like right now.

"Are you having a comeback?"

Kai, who was busy doing something else, looked up with a soft expression.

"We are disinfecting your injury, is the comeback important?"

Taehyun hummed for a moment, before coming a little closer to him.

"Yes it is. Especially your visuals."

Kai couldn't help but smile at that.

"If the standard for comeback is appearance, then there's no better choice. I'll reserve the date; come May 9th."

A free invitation to a comeback show? Did Taehyun just hit the lucky punch or something?

Because why would a doctor ask a patient to attend his comeback show?

Taehyun decided to be bold, and he leaned closer.

"If you're a doctor, you must not have a boyfriend, cause you're busy."

Kai innerly chuckled, deciding to play the game.

"You must not have a girlfriend if you're a soldier. Because it's tough."

Taehyun was definitely taken aback a little by the flirting.

"Who's gonna answer?" he stuttered.

Kai blinked at least five times within a second, indicating that the answer was him.

And before neither of them knew it, Taehyun (despite his bad leg) leaned forward and connected his lips with Kai.

The doctor didn't refuse, and only carefully moved closer to not cause further damage to the injury. He pinned his arms down on both of Taehyun's sides, closing his eyes as the two kissed each other.

Completely oblivious to the rest of the staff staring.

A/N: Wrote this exactly one year ago at 10:18pm as my mind was in brain rot due to Minisode 2's comeback special 😂
Anyway, happy anniversary to Good Boy Gone Bad!! You deserved so much better than all the hate; you're the reason why my friends at my new school decided to become MOAs and thanks to that we became closer 🤍 the album remains one of my favorites and also deserved more love for its stellar b-sides. Let's stream GBGB on YouTube so that it also surpasses 100M views ✨🫶

Ok I gotta get ready for school lmao; take care my lovelies 💞

TXT OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora