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There are so many times when you need to make a quick escape but humans don't have their own wings, or not yet, anyway.
~Extremely Loud and Incredibly close ~

This week is turning out to be harder than I thought it would be

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This week is turning out to be harder than I thought it would be. You'd think ten years is a lot of time to not have moved on. But I don't deserve that, I don't deserve to move on peacefully with my life. Not when I couldn't save her. Have I cried almost every day since Monday? Yes. Has it gotten better after I cried? Definitely not.

I yawn for the millionth time today. This, brought about by the insomnia and overworking. Four days have gone by and I'm not the slightest bit close to figuring out how to retrieve Darelle's old phone. My brain has not been exactly functioning properly. Not when it's preoccupied with memories from ten years ago.

I'll never be okay with my mom's death. I loved her more than my life. I still do. Sometimes I wish I could wish her back. Just for one second. Maybe then I could find a way to save her.

"You're not okay." I'm shifted from my cerebration by Kira's statement. Her furrowed eyebrows and deep forehead lines an indication of her worry.

I give her an unruffled smile. "I'm fine Kira."

Kira regards me with disbelief. "I've not met you today K. I know you better than anybody else. You don't have to pretend with me." She sits atop of my desk.

Her comforting words bring tears to my eyes but I blink them away. I'm not about to bawl my eyes out at work and give my coworkers something to gossip about.

I put all the conviction I can in my next words. "I'm just exhausted Kira. It's been a busy week."

"Oh babe. You don't have to feed me those white lies. We're not even white in the first place."

A forced laughter rolls out of me and she joins me with one of her own. "Tell me how you feel. I know I'm not one to be emotional but for you I try." She squeezes my shoulder in reassurance.

I drop my voice to a mumble. "I miss her."

"I know."

"I want her back."

"Me too baby." She never even met her but I'm grateful for the assurance none the less.

"I can't do this alone."

"Then I'll do it with you. For you."

"It'll be ten years tomorrow."

"And you're gonna do great, love."

"I couldn't save her."

"It was never your job to." Kira meets all my complaints with comforting words. "Want me to take a day off and stay with you tomorrow?"

"No I'll be fine." I manage through the reeling emotions.

"I know I can't get you to agree but if anything and I mean anything comes up you call me. You hear me?" I nod. She lifts up my downcast chin, a smug on her lips. "Use your words babe."

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