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“You ready for an eventful day?” I ask Darelle as we alight from the elevator

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“You ready for an eventful day?” I ask Darelle as we alight from the elevator.

I managed to get the address to Lucas’ mom. That’s where we’re heading right now. Me dressed in black leggings, black t-shirt and black boots like the spy I was born to be.

Maybe I could negotiate with the FBI to hand me over to the CIA once I crack this case. Because I damn will.

Darelle on the other hand is dressed in dark wash jeans and a black V neck. A bandage on his left palm. I haven’t asked about that. Yet.

“Hm” is his subtle reply. He’s been in a different mood today and I have a feeling it has something to do with his bandaged palm.

We walk to the parking lot in silence. A part of me is itching to ask him what happened but then the other part is scared he’ll close off on me. His impassive face tells me everything. But then again I’ve never known myself to be one to give up or shut up.

I take the driver’s seat of my car while he takes the passenger seat. More silence. In fact, an elephant pregnant silence.

“You know I think I’m just gonna be candid. What happened to your hand and why did you wear that face today?” I question driving out of the parking lot.

“Can you just drive” he snaps.

I roll my eyes “No. As a matter of fact I will park this car on the road if you continue bullshitting me”

I give him a side way glance and just for a second, I see a twinkle of sadness in his hazel orbs but he covers it up as quick as it showed up.

Seeing me slow down, Darelle runs a hand through his hair. Yeah I’m one stubborn piece of work. Also I like to have bright faces around me when I’m going for mini take outs.

He sighs. A long sigh at that. “I cut myself picking up a broken glass.” He says the words like they’ve been rehearsed.

“Now can you please drive like someone going on a mission” he lets out. If he thinks I believe what he just told me then he doesn’t know me at all. But for the sake of the pained expression on his face, I let it go. For now.

We continue driving in silence coz really, I don’t know what to say. The twenty-minute drive is over before the tension swallows us whole.

“You remember the plan?” I ask once we’re out of the car.

“Yeah Zuri. Distract her while you go around and search for more clues. I heard you the last five times you said it before” he clips.

I move up next to him “First of all don’t sass at me and second of all I might need to install a Spyware on her phone”

In lieu of a verbal response, he nods his head and starts walking towards the beautiful white bungalow that flaunts a beautiful yet dainty garden at the entrance. The drive way has a minivan. Good she’s home.

His Emancipator🖤 [His Duet #1]Where stories live. Discover now