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I don't like how this chapter turned out even after several editing i just wasn't satisfied but read on it's not all bad😊

I don't like how this chapter turned out even after several editing i just wasn't satisfied but read on it's not all bad😊

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“You ready?” Zuri asks from the passenger’s seat.

“Well we’re here I don’t see how I can’t be” I reply

We’re packed next to what used to be my apartment complex. It’s surreal how it’s just yesterday that we had the argument. A lot has happened today and I’m just ready to go to bed after this. But first, I get the evidence.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No. I need to do this alone. This is my personal battle” I state.

“Okay but if I hear a peep, I’m coming in”

She flips open the dashboard, withdrawing a gun from it. She sure came prepared. “You have a gun?” She rolls her eyes, unbelievably “This is US what do you expect?” Okay. Fair enough.

“Do you even need it?”

She twists her head in thought, “You’re right, I should’ve brought my cat o’ nine tails.”

“You have those?”

“That’s the whole point of saying I should’ve brought them isn’t it”

I chuckle at her sarcasm, “Why do you even have all those weapons?”

“I’m not sure cat o’ nine tails are used to only inflict pain” of course she’d say that “But when you’re a mafia Don’s daughter, you ought to learn how to protect yourself. So be a good boy and signal if shit starts looking suspicious”

“I will” although I’m sure if shit goes south she’ll be there within minutes since she’ll be listening in on the bug.

“Funny how I warned her off you and now you both will be only one foot apart” she mumbles.

“Technically, I’m going to her, she’s not coming to me” I assure her.

“Good. Now let me make sure the bug is working correctly” she turns my front towards her.

My black t-shirt upper button is not really a button but a bug camera to record the conversation I’ll be having with Madison. We agreed this is the only way, lure her into talking. I’m not sure what toll it’ll take on me but I’m ready. For the sake of my future, I’m ready.

“Hey” Zuri talks into the bug, her voice ricocheting to the laptop in her lap. “It’s perfect.” She says, lightly patting my chest. The action causes a fluttering effect in my stomach.

To add icing to the cake, she shuts the lid of her laptop and presses a kiss to my temple “Go show her what you’re made of. But do come back in one piece or I won’t be responsible of what happens to her” she says seriously.

His Emancipator🖤 [His Duet #1]Where stories live. Discover now