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"He did what?” Darelle’s mom exclaims over the phone

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"He did what?” Darelle’s mom exclaims over the phone

"Mom it’s nothing, I doubt he’ll disturb us again.” Darelle clarifies.

After Michael’s spontaneous visit yesterday, we spent the night on the couch. Today morning Darelle woke up in a better mood and decided that we should inform her mom who is currently fuming on the phone.

“No he won’t. But I’m gonna make sure he does. He met me before he met you. If he wants to taunt anyone it should be me.” She smolders.

“And how exactly will you do that?”

“I have my ways Darelle. Leave that to me. So now that his family has cut him off he thinks he can use you as a money making machine? Not on my watch.” She says, indignantly.

Worry shapes Darelle’s face “Mom you have to be careful.”

“I will be” her voice lowers.

“Okay take care mom.”

“I will. And Keilee?”

I lean closer to the phone “Yeah?”

“Thank you for telling Michael off.” She appreciates.

I place my palm on Darelle’s shoulder “It’s no trouble. I’d do anything for your son.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to you kids later.” She hangs up and Darelle turns to me, a frisky smile on his lips. “Anything huh?”

“Boy, do not test me.”

“But you’re the one who said anything which includes you carrying me to our bedroom right now.” he slumps against the cushions.

I smile “What I meant was I’ll always be by your side ready to weather any storm that comes at us.”

“I’m fucking dating a poet” he mumbles.

I pinch his ear, “I’m sorry I didn’t hear you can you speak louder?”

Darelle raises his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say anything.” I let go of his ear “That’s what I fucking thought.”

He pats my hips “I need to talk to you about something.”

“Oh no. Are you breaking up with me?”

A crease forms between his brows “No, why would you think that?”

“I mean when you use such words it sure as hell sounds like you want to end things.”

“Come here.” He pulls me from the couch’s arm and onto his hips. “Keilee Zuri Bakari, I do not want to break up with you and I’ll never want to break up with you. Not in this life or the next. Unless you break up with me.”

I lean in to place a kiss on his temple, his five o’clock shadow scuffling on my cheek. “Never.” I breathe.

“Well I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

His Emancipator🖤 [His Duet #1]Where stories live. Discover now